    关键词      电磁铁    机器人    摩擦焊    电机   控制系统
    Title    The designing of stud friction welding equipment  
    Preheat steel substrate by induction heat in order to improve the temperature of the steel plate to be welded position,the motor drive the stud and make it occur rotational friction and plastic flow,apply the top forging force by powering the electromagnet thereby achieve high quality welding of studs and steel in a short time. This paper studies the feasibility of an industrial robot welding friction welding and stud welding,the feasibility of induction heat and friction heat composite,motor drive control technology and solenoid control technology. The results showed that: because of the limited load bearing of industrial robots, manipulators can not provide enough top forging force to achieve plastic flow when the stud and steel welding during stud welding and friction welding.By rationally designing friction welding head and control systems,controlling motors and solenoids,the robot can apply enough top forging force to achieve robot welding and friction stud welding.
    Keywords      Electromagnet      Robot      Friction welding       Motor    
    Control system
    目   次
    1   引言1
    1.1 课题的提出 1
    1.2  连续摩擦焊技术简介 1
    1.3 惯性摩擦焊技术  4
    1.4 搅拌摩擦焊技术发展及应用 6
    1.5  焊接机器人 7
    1.6  课题研究的主要内容 8
    2   摩擦焊机头设计 10
    2.1  机头设计方案 10
    2.2电磁铁设计方案及要求 12
    2.3  本章小结 14
    3   实验设备及过程 15
    3.1  实验设备介绍 15
    3.2  焊接实验过程 16
    3.3  拉伸实验过程 17
    3.4  本章小结 19
    4   实验结果 20
    4.1 试验结果 20
    4.2  实验改进措施 20
    4.3 本章小结 21
    结论  22
    致谢  23
    1  引言
    1.1  课题的提出
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