    摘要:本次课题主要是对于一个银行培训公司的客户信息管理系统研究与开发,研究方向主要分为:建立统一的信息标准,为确保数据的完整性;构建统一的信息门户,集中信息资源管理、应用服务管理;构建统一的身份认证系统,集中用户管理、统一权限管理这三个方面。本文叙述了客户信息管理系统现状和发展前景,以及ASP.NET语言和SQL server2005数据库管理系统的概况,重点介绍了客户信息管理系统实现的过程和功能:其中具体包括系统框架设计,数据库设计,登录模块,用户权限设置,查找功能,添加用户,修改密码,删除用户,客户投诉信息设置,导出客户资料等操作。本系统主要面向两类人员使用:管理员和普通用户,并且分别给予他们不同的权限,相比较普通用户,管理员特有的权限有:添加管理员账号,添加客户投诉信息,删除用户操作。
    关键词:    客户信息管理系统,客户信息,研究与开发4013
    The Development of Customer Relationship Management
    Abstract: The task is mainly to research and develop a customer relationship management of a banks training company. The research direction is mainly divided into three aspects: establish a unified information standard and make sure to keep the data integrity, establish a unified information portal, centralize the management of information and application service; establish a unified system of identity authentication, centralize the management of users and authority. The paper describes the current situation and development prospect of customer relationship management system, and overview of ASP.NET language and SQL Server2005 database management system, and mainly introduces the process and the function of the customer information management system, which including system framework design, database design, the login module, the user permissions setting, search function, add users and customers, change the password, delete users, the derived information etc. The system mainly faces two kinds of personnel to use: the administrator and ordinary users and gives them different permissions. Compare with ordinary user, administrator has special permission, for example add an administrator, add customer complaint information, delete user.
    Keywords:    customer relationship management system, customer information, research and development
    摘要    i
    Abstract    i
    目录    ii
    1    绪论    1
    1.1    课题研究背景    1
    1.2    国内外研究现状,水平    2
    1.2.1    国外研究现状与水平    2
    1.2.2    国内研究现状与水平    2
    1.3    文献综述    3
    1.4    调研情况    3
    1.5    ASP.NET技术介绍    4
    1.5.1    ASP.NET优点    4
    1.6    MICROSOFT SQL SERVER 2005介绍    5
    1.6.1    Microsoft SQL Server 2005优点    5
    1.6.2    SQL Server 2005中重要的组件和功能    5
    2    分析    7
    2.1    需求分析    7
    2.2    可行性分析    7
    2.3    如何设计    8
    2.4    如何保护数据安全    8
    2.5    如何管理客户信息    8
    3    设计    9
    3.1    系统整体框架图    9
    3.1.1    系统整体框架图    9
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