

        本系统主要采用了ASP技术和Dreamweaver 8作为开发工具,选用SQL Sever2005作为后台数据库,并借助IIS(因特网信息服务)组件配置动态Web网站,以实现较为全面的功能。整个系统集电子讲义、教学视频、在线作业、论坛交流等互为一体,基本符合用户的需求。

    毕业论文关键词:课程学习网站  数据库系统原理  ASP技术

     The Design and Implementation of the Course    Website of Database System Principle

    Abstract   With the rapid development of the information age, traditional teaching methods and management methods, already can not adapt to the now the needs of students, so to establish a set of information learning platform has been imperative. Combined with the habits of college campus groups and the actual situation and decide to open database course website, < Principles of database system > is the course to form the site presents to students. The development of this system mainly includes two parts, one is the development of the front desk interface program, including the login module, teaching resources to browse and download the module, for job training module, and online communication module; the second is the backstage database establishment and maintenance. Include user information management module, teaching resource management module, correcting homework module and online communication management module. Principles of database system > course website design mainly aims at the is the teachers and students, so in the system design requirements of friendly interface, easy to operate.

        This system mainly adopts the ASP technology and Dreamweaver 8 as a development tool, use SQL sever2005 as the background database, and in order to achieve a more comprehensive function by IIS (Internet information services) component configuration dynamic web site. The whole system is a set of electronic notes, video teaching, online homework, forums and other integrated with each other, in line with the user's needs.

    Key words: course learning website  database system principle  ASP technology

    目  录




    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题研究的目的和意义 1

    1.2 国内外研究动态 2

    1.3 本文研究的主要内容 3

    1.4 开发工具简介 3

    1.5 相关技术概述 4

    2 系统分析 5

    2.1 可行性分析 5

    2.2 需求分析 5

    3 系统设计 7

    3.1 系统功能结构设计 7

    3.2 数据库设计 8

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