


    毕业论文关键词:楼宇智能 监控 防盗 物业 验收


        This paper focuses on intelligent building system made a brief introduction, which respectively focus on video surveillance systems, burglar alarm systems, access control card systems, smart property system, specific description of the design principles of each of the above systems, works equipment technology selection. Analyzes the basic connotation of intelligent building construction and cabling requirements, we discussed the development trend of intelligent buildings.

        This article also intelligent building systems weak project acceptance carried out a detailed analysis contains, the type of detection, weak systems engineering acceptance weak systems, intelligent building weak systems engineering acceptance of the way, the conditions and basis for intelligent buildings weak system project completion and acceptance step, intelligent buildings weak system project completion and acceptance methods.

    Keywords: Intelligent Building Control inspection of property theft

    目  录

    摘  要 1

    Abstract 2

    目  录 3

    1 绪论 5

    1.1 课题研究的目的和意义 5

    1.2 课题研究现状和前景 5

    1.3 本文研究主要内容 6

    2 可行性分析 7

    2.1 智能楼宇前期实施总论 7

    2.2 智能楼宇可行性研究 7

    2.3 智能楼宇系统建设背景和发展状况 7

    2.4 智能楼宇系统发展趋势 8

    2.5智能楼宇系统技术方案 8

    3系统方案设计 9

    3.1 视频监视系统 10

    3.1.1视频监视系统结构 10

    3.1.2视频监视系统技术、设备选型 10

    3.2防盗报警系统 12

    3.2.1防盗探测器的基本原理 12

    3.2.2防盗探测器的选择 12

    3.2.3防盗报警系统基本组成 12

    3.2.4直线型入侵探测器 12

    3.3门禁一卡通系统 13

    3.3.1身份识别模式 13

    3.3.2门禁系统的基本组成部分 13

    3.3.3设备选型 13

    3.4智能物业系统 14

    3.4.1系统综述 14


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