
    摘要为了解决现有高校学生公寓管理存在的效率低下、反馈时间太长、处理结果不透明等问题,我们基于Java 语言,开发了一套适用于高校的公寓管理系统



     Apartment Management System


    In the management of the university student apartments, their work has many problems.For examples, the work is opaque and low efficiency, and the feedback of processing results is too long. Based on the Java language, we have developed a set of apartment management system applies to colleges and universities.

    Reports introduces the process of apartment management system. The system uses JSP to design, using myEclipse as IDE, and using SSH framework specification development methods, MySQL as the database. This system mainly realizes the functions: repair of students, students message management, apartment management, student information management and repair audit,etc.Apartment management system design and development of the colleges can not only make the apartment to improve work efficiency, and to the development of other similar software has very good reference value.

    Key Words: Apartment Management; SSH; Process  


    摘要 I


    目录 III

    图清单 V

    表清单 V

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 本设计的目的、意义及应达到的技术要求 1

    1.2 国内外现状 2

    1.3 本设计应解决的主要问题 2

    1.4 本章小结 2

    2 系统需求分析 3

    2.1 可行性分析 3

    2.2 系统功能需求 3

    2.3 系统流程图 6

    2.4 数据流图 6

    2.5 理论知识 7

    2.6 本章小结 8

    3 系统总体设计 9

    3.1 系统功能设计 9

    3.2 系统方案设计 10

    3.3 系统功能模块图 10

    3.4 本章小结 11

    4数据库设计 12

    4.1 数据库概念结构设计 12

    4.2 数据库物理设计 14

    4.3 本章小结 16

    5 系统详细设计 17

    5.1 功能模块介绍 17

    5.2 关键代码讲解 23

    5.3 本章小结 26

    6 测试 27

    6.1 测试的任务及目标

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