

    由于钙钛矿在位置A或B的特殊结构,可以替换成金属离子或者稀土元素,可能会产生具有独特缺陷结构和特殊性能的材料,复合型的固溶体材料Y1-xAxMn2-yByO3,从而形成阴离子缺陷或者不同价态的B位离子。本文根据溶胶凝胶法改进后的丙烯酰胺聚合凝胶法制备了YMnO3,以及根据B位取代原理掺杂不同Al比率(x=0, 0.02, 0.05, 0.08, 0.1, 0.15)的YMn1-xAlxO3样品。并用X射线衍射和红外性能测试实验结果表征其组成以及结构和其红外反射性能。此外,还进行了Mg、Sr两种元素的掺杂实验。

    毕业论文关键词  钙钛矿材料,锰酸钇,掺杂,红外反射率


    Title  Preparation and Properties of a new nano insulation materials 

    Abstract Thermal radiation is one of the ways of heat transfer, which is what we want to study thermal insulation material to block or reduce the heat transfer efficiency. And thermal radiation process, mainly rely on the longer wavelengths of visible and infrared light. Therefore, we study the insulation material is a kind of infrared reflective materials.

    Perovskite structure in position A or B may be substituted with other rare earth metal ions or the substitution or can be generated with a unique structure and properties of the composite material of the solid solution Y1-xAxMn1-yByO3, thereby forming an anion or a different valences defect ion B. In this paper, based on the improved sol-gel method acrylamide polymer gel prepared YMnO3 and According to the principle of a instead of B preparing the different Al doping ratio (x = 0, 0.02, 0.05, 0.08, 0.1, 0.15) of YMn1-xAlxO3 sample. And by XRD and IR performance tests samples were characterized by the structure and composition of the composition as well as its infrared reflectance properties. In addition, we also did experiments of doping Mg and Sr.

    Key words: Perovskite materials, Yttrium manganese oxide, Doping, Infrared reflectivity.

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  红外反射材料 1

    1.1.1   红外反射材料的概念及其分类 1

    1.1.2  红外反射材料在国内外的发展状况 1

    1.2  钙钛矿型稀土复合锰氧化物材料简介 2

    1.3  稀土锰酸盐YMNO3材料的研究进展 3

    1.4  锰酸钇材料的制备 4

    2  丙烯酰胺聚合凝胶法合成锰酸钇及掺Al材料 6

    2.1  实验原理 6

    2.2  实验试剂和仪器 6

    2.3  实验部分 7

    2.3.1  制备锰酸钇 7

    2.3.2  制备掺Al锰酸钇 9

    2.4  样品表征 9

    2.4.1  样品XRD分析其组成 9

    2.4.2  样品红外性能测试 10

    3  其它掺杂元素的探究 13

    结论 16

    致谢 17

    参考文献 18

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