

    毕业论文关键词  聚氨酯  高分子复合材料 分散  拉伸强度


    Title    The dispersion and analysis of oxidant in Polyurethane composite materials                                                   

    Abstract In order to study the factors which will affect the dispersion of fillers and look for a quantitative method to descrip the dispersion of fillers. In this article we use mechanical method and solvent method, using the KNO3 particles of different diameters, the diameter of which are 130-160 mesh and 220-250 mesh, and the percentage of fillers respectively are 50%,60%,70% and 80%,to research the influence on the dispersion of fillers of the method of dispersion, the diameters of fillers and the percentage of fillers, and  measure the density and mechanical property of the samples. In order to evaluate the dispersion of fillers in the polyurethane resin, we should Dissolved the packing and deal with the samples with the dye to improve the contrast of two phase interface between filler and matrix, using microscope to observe the section of the composites and the combination of the observe of microscope, image analysis and the fractal theory to analyse the dispersion of the packings quantitively which will provide data and methods for the research the dispersion of this kind of material.

    Keywords  polyurethane resin polymer composites dispersion  tensile strength  

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究目的和意义 1

    1.2  表征固体填料分散性的相关理论和方法 2

    1.3   实验内容 5

    1.4 无机填料微粒的分散 5

    2  实验部分 7

    2.1  物料配比 7

    2.2  实验采用的混合方法 8

    2.3  原材料 8

    2.4  实验仪器 8

    2.5  实验过程 10

    3  实验结果与讨论 14

    3.1  复合材料样品密度与分散特性 14

    3.2  复合材料样品拉伸性能与分散特性 18

    3.3  利用图像分析和分形理论分析填料分散性 22

    3.4  利用SEM图像表征微观结构 25

    结  论 28

    致  谢 29

    参考文献 30

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