


    毕业论文关键词:羧酸酯  醛  醇  氧化酯化  


    Title  Study  on  the Oxidative Esterification                                

    Abstract Organic esters are important classes of chemicals which have considerable applications in different areas of chemical industry such as herbicides, disinfectors, pharmaceuticals, plasticizers, solvents and intermediates. The traditional method is that the carboxylic acid prepared to chloride, and then react with alcohol to the corresponding ester. There are three steps of aldehyde to ester which need more time and have lower yield. It inspired us to invest the direct oxidation of aldehydes or alcohols to esters.

    In this paper, through the synthesis of β-Diketiminato complexes, and then in the catalytic system with aldehyde or alcohol and DTBP as raw material react with the ligand to the corresponding esters. At the same time, through the exploration of reaction conditions, in order to find the suitable reaction conditions such as temperature, catalyst, ligand, solvent, this provides a new synthesis method for the synthesis of carboxylic ester. At the same time, in this paper we also extend the substrate, so as to broaden the scope of the reaction system.

    Keywords  carboxylic ether  aldehyde  alcohol  oxidative esterification

    1 引言 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2 氧化酯化反应的研究进展 2

    1.2.1 醛的氧化酯化反应的研究进展 2

    1.2.2 醇的氧化酯化反应的研究进展 4

    1.3 课题任务 6

    2 反应原理和方案设计 6

    2.1 可能的反应原理 6

    2.1.1 铜催化的醛的氧化酯化反应机理 6

    2.1.2 铜催化醛与醇氧化酯化反应原理 7

    2.2 方案设计 7

    2.2.1 铜催化醛的氧化酯化反应条件优化方案设计 7

    2.2.2 铜催化醛与醇的氧化酯化反应条件优化方案设计 8

    3 实验部分 8

    3.1 β-二酰基酮亚胺类配体的合成 8

    3.2 铜催化醛的氧化酯化 9

    3.2.1 铜催化的醛的氧化酯化反应的实验操作 9

    3.2.2 铜催化的醛的氧化酯化反应的条件优化

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