
    Pre-sedimentation tank: the use of radial flow, surface load q = 1.2m3 / (m2∙h), HRT (SRT) is 2.5h, h = 5.4m, D = 20m.

    Anaerobic reactor pool: select volume load  q = 0.5kgCOD / (m3∙d) ,HRT = 12h, two parallel, single-component 7 cells, each cell size: 10m × 5m.

    Biological contact oxidation pond: using a combination of fillers, volumetric loading q = 0.50kg BOD / (m3 ∙ d), the filler volume V = 2850 m3, packing height h3 = 3.5m, HRT = 6.7h; 8 run parallel group, single component 2 cells, a single cell size: 10m × 5m, COD GS = 160m3 / min.

    Final Clarifier: The radial flow, surface load q = 1.2m3 / (m2 ∙ h), residence time of 2.0h, h = 4.9 m, D = 20m.

    BAF: q filter = 0.35kgCODCr / (m3 ∙ d), filter height h3 = 3.0m, a residence time of 3.8h, pided into four groups, a single group of five cells, each cell size: 6m × 6m, COD GS = 70m3 / min.

    Key contact oxidation pond complete structure diagram, drawing equipment installation, including a combination of packing arrangement and installation drawings, drawings and drawing work aeration.

    By this process, the water required to meet the "urban sewage treatment plant emission standards" GB18918-2002 emission standards for two.

    Keywords: dyeing wastewater; water treatment; processing design.


    1、设计总说明 1

    2、水量水质及排放标准 3

    3、设计原则及标准 3

    4、目前印染废水污染状况简介 3

    5、工艺方案的选择 4

    5.1污水水质特点 4

    5.2方法分析 5

    6、处理工艺的对比与选择 5

    6.1厌氧-好氧串联工艺 6

    6.2生物+物化组合工艺 6

    7、处理工艺对比 7

    7.1工艺流程 7

    7.2主要处理单元 7

    7.2.1格栅 7

    7.2.2调节沉淀池 8

    7.3生物处理法的对比与选择 9

    7.3.1厌氧形式的选择 9

    7.3.2好氧形式的选择 11

    7.3.3生物接触氧化法的选择 12

    7.4沉淀池的选择 12

    7.5污泥处理工艺 13

    7.5.1污泥稳定 13

    7.5.2污泥调理 14

    7.5.3污泥浓缩 15

    7.5.4污泥脱水 15

    7.5.5污泥处置 16

    7.6各系统处理单元的出水负荷 16

    8.工艺设计计算 17

    8.1设计参数 17

    8.2构筑物计算 17

    8.2.1格栅 17

    8.2.2调节池: 18

    8.2.3混凝预处理沉淀池 19

    8.2.4配水池 21

    8.2.5生物接触氧化池 21

    8.2.6生化沉淀池 23


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