


    毕业论文关键词 漆酶  固定化  印染废水处理   


    Title    Immobilization of laccase and it’s application on treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater 

    Abstract Laccase is one of phenoloxidases that catalyze the transformation of a large amount of phenolic and non-phenolic aromatic compounds. Immobilization of laccase can usually improve its life-time, stability and environmental adaptability, and has wide application value, especially in the preparation of biosensor and in the treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater. In this article, some important immobilization methods of laccase and its application to the treatment of wastewater are reviewed.

    In this thesis, we adopt the weak acid resin, using orthogonal experiments, make immobilized experimental research on genetically engineered bacteria from crude enzymes, and the results show that the pH value of laccase is the most important factor, followed by enzyme load, and immobilization of time with minimal impact on the results. Then we test decolorization effect of the laccase towards two dyes which are reactive brilliant blue and indigo, the results show that the laccase has some bleaching effect towards two dyes. 

    Keywords  Laccase  immobilization  printing and dyeing wastewater treatment 

    目  录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 漆酶 1

    1.1.1 漆酶的来源 1

    1.1.2 漆酶的理化性质 1

    1.1.3  漆酶的结构 1

    1.1.4 漆酶酶活的影响因素 2

    1.2 漆酶的固定化 3

    1.2.1 漆酶的固定化在国内外研究的历史和现状 3

    1.2.2 漆酶的固定化方法 3

    1.2.3 漆酶催化氧化反应机理 3

    1.3 印染废水的处理 4

    1.3.1 漆酶对染料的脱色研究 4

    1.3.2 印染废水的处理方法 4

    1.4 本论文研究内容 5

    2 漆酶的固定化 7

    2.1 材料与方法 7

    2.1.1 漆酶 7

    2.1.2 主要的仪器和试剂 7

    2.1.3 漆酶活性测定 9

    2.1.4 pH值对漆酶活性的影响 10

    2.1.5 D113弱酸性树脂预处理方法 10

    2.1.6 漆酶的固定化 10

    2.1.7 固定化漆酶酶活性测定 10

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