



    The information of general design

    The graduation project topic is 3,000 tons of short glass fiber reinforced polypropylene, polyethylene sheet plant process design. This is based on the short glass fiber by polypropylene enhanced, making it apply to a wider range of fields such as the automotive industry, the aerospace industry and so on. Based on the use of factors conditions, processing conditions and other considerations, the specification sheet for the processing of thick * width * length = 15mm×1500mm×3000mm, made of PP and the color is white.

    The design of the design ideas from the first open question introduction and understanding through the introduction of various materials to determine the best formulation resulting in a more economical and environmentally friendly products better. Then determine the sheet production process, the selection of the best programs in the feasibility of molding process - Extrusion and extrusion equipment into the design and calculation of parameters of each component to determine the equipment selection, and finally calculate the material balance, energy workshop process to non-accounting, economic accounting and plant layout, each of the design elements fully developed.

    In the introduction, from small to large angle to proceed, starting with thermoplastic composites drawn short glass fiber reinforced pp material, and its market prospects, applications do a survey. In addition, the characteristics of polypropylene to do the analysis, the design continues to expand it to take advantage of improving its shortcomings, the recipe for the subsequent processing to do the groundwork. At the same time, the chapter clearly the purpose and significance of this design, and design specifications, and design issues to be addressed were considered.

    Next is to design the formulation. First elaborated the role of each component in the formulation and presentation of the various components commonly used raw materials. According to the characteristics of polypropylene, by adding additives which make up the deficiency of polypropylene, various additives include formulations are compared to select the better formula. In the process of selecting the components, in order to meet the physical and chemical properties of the plate, we should take the interaction of the components of the formulation into account, whether the material is more easily accessible, whether reasonable price and other factors and so forth. Next, choose the best one. Finally, make a list of all these components.

    The chapter is to choose a proper molding process. Describes the short glass fiber reinforced PP sheet molding method commonly used. Usually, there are three choice, compared with injection molding, thermoforming and extrusion molding method and finally determine the extrusion molding method as a molding method of the present design. In the second part, we focus on the extrusion process works and its characteristics. Contrast twin screw and single screw production advantages and disadvantages as well as the characteristics, combined with the design objectives and requirements, and ultimately decided to use parallel twin-screw extrusion production of short glass fiber reinforced PP sheet.

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