
    2 Design Standards
    The design references the following national standards and regulations.
    (1)    Production of dangerous goods and harmful factors in classification and code.(GB/T13816-1992)
    (2)    Dangerous chemical commonly used in the classification criteria. (GB13690-1992)
    (3)    Typical chemical medium pressure vessel explosion hazards and safety levels. (HGJ43-1991)
    (4)    Factory fire safety requirements.(GBJ16-1987)
    (5)    Integrated wastewater discharge requirements.(GBJ8978)
    (6)    Steel pressure vessel.(GB150)
    (7)    The standard shell and tube heat exchanger.(GB151)
    (8)    System and Equipment layout design requirements.(HG20570)
    (9)    Chemical plant piping design requirements.(HG/T20549)
    3 Design principles and key design indicators
    (1)    Safe and reliable: the design of many chemical substances are flammable, explosive or toxic. Therefore, the design must be taken into account of all sorts of obvious  and potentially dangerous and used strict regulations of national and local health and safety to ensure little environmental pollution and the health of production personnel.
    (2)    operation is simple: adhere to the scientific attitude to determine various production process and equipment and the operation condition reasonably, striving to achieve the  mild reaction condition and low requirements of equipments and convenient operation of the workers as the result.
    (3)    reasonable economy: reduce equipment costs, raw material costs, labor costs and other aspects investment effectively and reasonably.
    (4)    easy to install: Plant layout should meet the requirements of the construction and installation, with emphasis to consider the installation of large equipment, factory and load road pavement construction and installation standards should meet the requirements.
    (5)    Basis of calculation:
    Annual production of 40000 tons
    Days to 300 days in,45 days for machine maintenance, 15 days mobile
    Keywords: benzaldehyde; benzoic acid ; process calculation

    1 概述    1
        1.1 苯甲酸的工艺设计及设计意义..1
    1.1.1  苯甲醛的传统工艺    1
           1.1.2  三氧化二锰多相氧化法..1
           1.1.3  肉桂油水解法..2
           1.1.4  苯甲酸及衍生物的还原法3
    1.1.5  本课题的设计意义    4
    1.2 苯甲醛的性质    5
    1.2.1 苯甲醛    5
           1.2.2 苯甲醛的用途...6
    1.3 原料的性质    7
           1.3.1 苯甲酸.8
    1.3.2 进料空气    9
    1.4 本设计的主要任务和目标    10
    1.4.1 设计的任务    10
    1.4.2 设计的目标    10
    1.4.3 生产工艺条件    10
    2 工艺流程设计    11
    2.1 工艺路线及其基本原理    11
    2.1.1 工艺路线    11
        2.2 主要化学反应...11
        2.3 工艺流程叙述...12
    2.3.1 熔化工段    12
    2.3.2 气化工段    12
    2.3.3 反应工段    12
    2.3.4 精馏工段    13
    2.4 生产控制说明及控制项目    13
    2.5 车间定员    13
    3 工艺计算    14
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