

    Abstract 2, 5 - dichlorophenol are important organic intermediates. It is the key intermediate of synthesizing Benzoic acid herbicide dicamba. At the same time 2, 5 - dichlorophenol can also be used as nitrogen fertilizer synergist and antifungal agent of leather. High purity 2, 5 - dichlorophenol as white acicular crystal, there is a special smell, placed in the air will gradually become yellow and the color gradually deepened. At present, there are many synthesis methods of 2, 5 - dichlorophenol. We introduces the traditional process for preparation of 2, 5 -dichlorophenol in this paper. From 2,5-dichloroaniline, 2,5-dichlorophenol is prepared by diazotization and hydrolysis. The method to get the yield of the product is relatively high and simplify the operation, lowers the energy consumption.

    毕业论文关键词:2,5—二氯苯酚; 2,5-二氯苯胺; 麦草畏; 合成; 重氮化

    Keyword: 2,5-dichlorophenol; 2,5-dichloroaniline; dicamba;synthesis; diazotization

    目    录

    引 言 4

    1. 实验背景概述 4

    1.1 麦草畏 4

    1.1.1 麦草畏的性质 4

    1.1.2 麦草畏的应用 4

    1.1.3 麦草畏的合成路线 5

    1.2 2,5-二氯苯胺 5

    1.2.1 2,5-二氯苯胺的结构与性质 5

    1.2.2 2,5-二氯苯胺的应用 5

    1.3 2,5-二氯苯酚 6

    1.3.1 2,5-二氯苯酚的结构与性质 6

    1.3.2 国内外对2,5-二氯苯酚的合成研究现状 6

    1.4 亚硝酸钠 7

    1.4.1 亚硝酸钠的性质与应用 7

    1.4.2 亚硝酸钠的危害 7

    1.5 重氮化 7

    1.5.1 重氮化的概念 7

    1.5.2 重氮化反应机理 8

    1.5.3 考虑因素 8 酸的用量 8 亚硝酸 9 反应温度 9

    1.5.4 重氮盐的应用 9

    1.5.5 重氮化方法 9

    2. 实验部分 10

    2.1实验仪器与试剂 10

    2.1.1 实验仪器 10

    2.1.2 实验试剂 10

    2.2 实验方法 10

    2.3实验结果讨论分析 11

    2.3.1 实验反应条件的优化 11 重氮化反应中硫酸含量的影响 11 亚硝酸钠用量

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