


    Workshop process design of rubber conveyor belt with an annual output of 5 million square meters

    Abstract: The design of the project is an annual output of 5 million square meters of rubber conveyor belt workshop process design. In the large environment of demand growth in the conveyor belt, designed to meet the needs of a certain market, the production of ordinary rubber conveyor belt manufacturers. Design of the conveyor belt production method includes rubber to practice, the conveyor belt with different layer mixing, calendering molding with canvas and hang glue conveying belt vulcanizing important production process. The main content of the design includes an overview of the design, which contains the feasibility study, design basis and procedures, the main contents of the design; The second aspect is the layout of the site selection and site; The third aspect is the selection of process design and the determination of the flow chart; The fourth aspect is the selection of raw materials, including a variety of additives, including; The fifth aspect is the choice of mechanical equipment, including the choice of various models of the opening and internal mixing machine, mixer, mechanical equipment, etc.; The sixth part and the seventh part is the calculation of raw materials and mechanical equipment, including the calculation of the need to consume how much of the raw materials and the number of mechanical equipment; The eighth part is the main production workshop layout, including the manufacturing workshop of raw materials, rolling workshop and vulcanizing workshop; The ninth part is the non process design, mainly contains the power, personnel, pollution control and other aspects of the content. The results of the design are mainly in the design specification and in the design process to learn about the production of rubber products.

    Key Words: Conveyer belt;process planning;vulcanization;Conveyor belt forming


    目录 iii

    1 概述 1

    1.1 可行性研究的目的和意义 1

    1.2 设计依据和设计程序 3

    1.2.1 设计任务书 3

    1.2.2 设计的主要内容 3


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