


    Utilization of Resin to Separate Natural Products in Water


    Abstract: Macroporous resin adsorbed natural products in water is becoming more and more important in people’s life. The advantages of macroporous resin are easily recycle, better adsorption effect, better stability, desorption conditions mild and so on. It is widely used in   medicine, pharmacology and many other industries. In this experiment, we change the concentration of ethanol water solution and the concentration of Ginkgo acid solution to compare the adsorption capability in three different resins and desorbed the saturated resin to get the best resin. This experiment characterize the absorbance and transmittance of the effluent, and record the same quantity of the effluent. Mapping the absorbance and transmittance of the effluent and compared the differences in adsorption and desorption of three resins and the capability of adsorbed Ginkgo acid solution. From the experimental results, the greater the volume fraction is the better cleaning effect of ethanol solution. Without affecting the results of the case, we use 50% of ethanol solution to cleaning the resin. The No.1 resin has the best adsorption effect to adsorb 1% and 10% ginkgo acid solution. In the adsorption experiments, the No.1 resin has the best effect in adsorption and desorption of ginkgo acid solution.

    KeyWords:macroporous resin; ginkgo acid solution


    目   录

    目   录 i

    1 绪论 2

    1.1 文献综述 2

    1.1.1 大孔吸附树脂概述 2

    1.1.2 大孔吸附树脂的分离原理 2

    1.1.3 吸附及解吸的影响因素 3

    1.1.4 大孔吸附树脂在天然产物分离中的应用 4

    1.2 选题的目的与意义 5

    1.3 方案论证 6

    2 实验 7

    2.1 实验药品 7

    2.2 实验仪器 7

    2.2.1 紫外可见光分光光度计 8

    2.2.2 离子交换柱

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