

    关键词  硝基胍  干燥工艺  故障假设法  危险可操作性分析法  事故树  


    Title   Risk of Nitroguanidine continuous spray drying process               


    Nitroguanidine production process, the conventional process using a steam drying oven dried. The process of job site safety hazards bigger. National Special Superfine Powder Center is developing a high-pressure spray continuous drying technology and equipment, can solve many problems of the conventional drying process. This paper attempts to nitroguanidine continuous spray drying process systematic risk analysis, improvement measures and recommendations are given. First, nitroguanidine continuous drying process with conventional drying process compared; Second, the use of fault analysis method assumptions include; use of hazard operability analysis, the process is an important part of the analysis, we suggest improvements; using Fault Tree Analysis method, create process fault tree two key aspects, analyze, and make some security controls to ensure process safety measures on this basis, in order to achieve optimal security control for continuous nitroguanidine spray drying process unit.

    Keywords  Nitroguanidine  Drying process  WIF  HAZOP  FTA

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  硝基胍 1

    1.2  硝基胍喷雾连续干燥工艺 3

    1.3  本文研究内容 4

    2  硝基胍喷雾连续干燥工艺 5

    2.1  硝基胍喷雾连续干燥工艺流程 5

    2.2  硝基胍喷雾连续干燥设备 5

    2.3  硝基胍喷雾连续干燥工艺已有保护措施 9

    2.4  小结 10

    3  硝基胍喷雾连续干燥的故障假设分析法 11

    3.1  故障假设分析法 11

    3.2  从物料角度进行的故障假设 11

    3.3  从工艺角度进行的故障假设 11

    3.4  小结 15

    4  硝基胍干燥工艺的危险可操作性分析法 16

    4.1  危险可操作性分析法简介 16

    4.2  危险可操作性分析内容及结论 16

    4.3  准备工作 16

    4.4  危险可操作性分析过程 17

    4.5  旋风分离环节的危险可操作性分析表

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