



    Title    Preparation of electrocatalytic electrode materials for iron oxide as active center  


    Graphene based hybrid nanomaterials have attracted more and more interest in the world. Benefit from their chemical composition and synergistic effect of the electrochemical catalytic performance on the catalytic function of these graphene based nano materials will play an important role in the innovation of the new type of electro catalyst. We summarize the recent progress in the design and synthesis of graphene based composites in terms of shape, size, and structure. And synthesized a series of gamma ferric oxide and polyaniline graphite ene multilevel hybrid nanostructured materials, the synthesis of high load good with iron oxide as the active center of electrocatalytic sensing electrode materials, and the a series of tests were used to characterize the structure of materials, and the electrochemical detection of nitrite ion, and the performance of the high detection sensitivity.

    Keywords   Graphene, γ-Fe2O3, Polyaniline, Electrochemical

    目   次

    1.  绪论 1

    1.1  亚硝酸盐 1

    1.2  石墨烯 3

    1.2.1  石墨烯的发现 3

    1.2.2  石墨烯的结构特点 3

    1.2.3  石墨烯的制备 4

    1.2.4  石墨烯的功能化 5

    1.3  石墨烯基纳米复合材料 5

    1.3.1  碳/金属(金属氧化物)复合材料 6

    1.3.2  石墨烯掺杂非金属复合材料 6

    1.3.3  过渡金属氧化物/石墨烯复合材料 8

    2.  以铁氧化物为活性中心的复合电极材料的制备 9

    2.1  引言 9

    2.2  实验药品与仪器 9

    2.3  氧化还原法制备石墨烯 10

    2.4  磁性三氧化二铁的制备 11

    2.3.1  制备方法 11

    2.3.2  实验步骤 11

    2.5  石墨烯-γ三氧化二铁的制备 11

    2.4.1  制备方法 11

    2.4.2  实验步骤 12

    2.6  聚苯胺掺杂石墨烯复合材料的制备 12

    2.5.1  制备方法 12

    2.5.2  聚苯胺石墨烯的制备

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