     The development of a dispersant - polyphosphate prefilming agent
    Abstract: This paper mainly studies six partial sodium phosphate, zinc sulfate, polyacrylamide seven hydrated calcium chloride anhydrous and preparation of a dispersant poly phosphate pretreatment filming agent, a further research on the dispersion and pre-membrane performance and made dispersant poly phosphate prefilming agent.
              The experiment is mainly red point method under different conditions (e.g., different concentration, pH, ratio of solution, pre film time and so on) the A3 carbon steel surface passivation, select 3 ~ 5 test points, and then by dropping CuSO4 solution (the solution after reaction damages the passivation film is as follows: Fe+Cu2+==Cu+Fe2+ with a stopwatch), CuSO4 drop solution changed from blue to red time, according to the quality of blue and disappeared into the red time speed to evaluate the passivation film. To evaluate the passivation film according to the length between the inspection surface discoloration time of each point on the integrity and uniformity.
              The results show that the dispersant - polyphosphate prefilming agent can be composed by anhydrous calcium chloride, five hydrated zinc sulfate, six sodium sodium phosphate and PAM. The best concentrations of the four substances are calcium concentration C=70mg/L, zinc ion concentration C=100mg/L, six sodium concentration C=70mg/L, polyacrylamide concentration C=70mg/L. The optimum concentration ratio is 1, the optimum pH value is 6, the optimum membrane time is 48 hours.        
    Key words: prefilming agent; dispersant; red point method; dispersion and pretreatment; phosphate;
    1 绪论    1
    1.1课题研究背景    1
    1.2预膜剂的定义    2
    1.3预膜剂的分类    2
    1.3.1 羟基乙叉二磷酸(HEDP)    4
    1.3.2低磷聚合物W-1    4
    1.3.3 新型多元醇磷酸酯PAPE    4
    1.3.4新型磺酸共聚物P-5    4
    1.3.5聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)    4
    1.4预膜剂的现状、特性和成膜机理    4
    1.5预膜条件的研究    5
    1.5.1钙离子浓度的影响    5
    1.5.2pH值的影响    5
    1.5.3预膜温度的影响    5
    1.5.4锌离子浓度的影响    5
    1.6预膜剂的应用和发展    6
    1.7分散剂的定义    7
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