        1.通过水热合成法制备出规则排列的ZnO纳米线阵列,其扫描电镜(SEM)图片证明合成的ZnO纳米线直径为100-200 nm,长度1-2 μm。并且通过改变实验条件对纳米线阵列的密度、纳米线直径和长度进行进一步的调节,在最后讨论了ZnO纳米线阵列的形成机理。38135
        2.利用简单的光还原方法将Ag纳米颗粒均匀地负载在Zn0纳米线阵列的顶端。通过调节其反应条件如反应物种类、浓度、退火温度等对负载在Zn0纳米线阵列上Ag纳米颗粒的结构、形貌、位置、数量进行了调控。最后对复合纳米线阵列在全光和单色光照射下的光电化学性能(PEC)进行了检测分析,结果表明其光电流远远高于纯的氧化锌纳米线阵列,可达2.40 mA cm-2,这种金属一半导体复合结构能够有效促进光生空穴一电子对的分离和传输,从而提高光电转换性能。
       Preparation and properties of ZnO nano arrays
    Abstract:Zincoxide is an important semiconductor material with wide band gap, and has good optical and electrical properties, and has wide application in the field of sensor and other high - tech fields..Ordered ZnO nano array is the ideal gas sensitive material because of its high specific surface area and fast electron transport capacity.. In this paper, the ZnO nanowires array is prepared by hydrothermal method, and then modified to improve its performance in optoelectronic nano devices.. The main contents are as follows:
    1. By hydrothermal synthesis, the ordered ZnO nanowire arrays were prepared, and the Zn0 nanowires were synthesized by the scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and the diameter of the nanowires was nm 100-200, and the length was 1-2 m. The density of the nanowire array, the diameter and the length of the nanowire array are further adjusted by changing the experimental conditions, and the formation mechanism of the ZnO nanowire array is discussed at the end..
    2. The Ag nanoparticles were uniformly loaded at the top of the ZnO nanowire array by using the simple photo reduction method.. The structure, morphology, position and quantity of Ag nanoparticles were controlled by the reaction conditions, such as the type of reactants, concentration, and annealing temperature, etc.. Finally the composite nanowire arrays in all-optical and monochromatic light photoelectrochemical properties (PEC) were analysis, and the results show that the photocurrent is far higher than that of pure zinc oxide nanowire arrays, up to 2.40 Ma cm-2, the metal semiconductor composite structure can effectively promote photohole electron on the separation and transport, so as to improve the photoelectric conversion properties.
    Keywords: ZnO, nano array, photo electrochemical properties
    第1章 绪论    5
    1.1引言    5
    1.2纳米材料的性能及简介    5
    1.2.1简介    5
    1.2.2纳米材料的性能    6
    1.3氧化锌材料介绍    8
    1.3.1氧化锌的结构    8
    1.3.2氧化锌纳米结构的制备方法介绍    12
    1.3.3氧化锌纳米材料的改性研究    14
    1.4氧化锌纳米结构的应用介绍    17
    1.4.1激光产生的应用    17
    第2章 实验部分    18
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