
    关键词: 2-苯乙醇;精馏;Aspen Plus;工艺设计;分布器。
    1000 tons of 2-phenylethanol process design
    Instruction manual:Phenylethanol is our regulations allows to use the food flavors. Mainly for the preparation of honey, bread, peaches, berries and other flavors..It can also use to deploy a variety of essential oils and other flower rose flavors, such as jasmine, clove flavor, orange blossom flavor and etc.. It can deploy almost every flower essential oil and it is widely used in the deployment of soap and cosmetics and fragrance.
    At present, industrial production of 2-phenylethyl alcohol extraction technique is not perfect due to the downstream, the high moisture content of the product was purified, purity approximately is 99%, the content of the main impurities (acid, butanol, iso-butyric acid) which were more than 30ppm For aroma components as well as a greater impact.
    To solve these problems, we adopted to establish a new experimental model, designed to amplify on an experimental basis, so that the final product purity  achieved 99.9%, retain the best quality aroma, it has high price than the purity of 99% 2-phenylethanol.
    With the development of chemical industry, chemical products become ubiquitous. Therefore, the task of designing increasingly heavy chemical industry. It is performance is: In the chemical production, through the use of techniques and methods for chemical design can be achieved for the chemical (workshop) of renovation and expansion of the unit to operate the equipment or the production capacity of the entire device calibration and evaluation of technical and economic indicators, which evaluation of the process. Moreover, in scientific research, from small experiments to try to enlarge, as well as put into industrial production, we are inseparable from the design. From the point of view of modern fine chemicals development, scientific research increasingly plays an important role. The transition to make scientific research into productivity, namely industrialization, must be closely combined research and design new processes, new products and new equipment development. Finally, in the basic construction, design is the most important part of the capital, is based on existing construction. From a single device to a full set of equipment, from a small chemical plant (plant) to large chemical companies, they must first be made ready before construction engineering construction. To build a good quality, advanced level of chemical plant, an important prerequisite is to have high-quality, high-level design. Improve design quality and speed of development of basic construction plays a key role in promoting. This is the basic direction of modern chemical industry.
    The design intends to comply with the chemical industry to design development through said second direction, targets to be using a batch vacuum distillation at a concentration of 99% 2-phenylethanol purity increased to 99.9%.
    It has some chemical designal processes as followings:
    1) According to the design planning and design content, testing procedures and packing selection.
    2) Setting up small scale test apparatus, a simple simulation of the crude 2-phenylethanol was purified measure the basic parameters and the composition of raw materials used in simulation.
    3) According to the design for material accountancy.
    4) Using Aspen Plus distillation process modeling software which contains property estimation, simple and detailed simulations, the last of the simulation parameters were optimized.
    5) Using CAD drawing software to draw flow chart diagram and major equipment.
    Its process design criteria reference to the following national standards and regulations:
    1) "steel pressure vessel" GB150-1998
    2) "chemical equipment design documentation provisions" HG20668-2000
    3) "Steel Chemical Design Basics approved containers" HG20580-1998
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