
     Of which  the resin formulation part  of the selection of stabilizers,plasticizers, lubricants, impact modifiers and fillers, made a detailed introduction to finalize the selection of the design formula. Second, the determine of molding method is also made the corresponding presentation, finally, identified the molding of present design for twin-screw extrusion.
    In the part of total process, which mainly introduced the preparations for molding, choice of feeding method, the screw design and the parameters of die. According to the specifications of the pipe to determine the the size of the nose, and finally calculated the optimum operating point, namely, the production capacity of a twin-screw extruder.  In this chapter, it also made a detailed introduction for the pipe extrusion auxiliary.
    In the selection of equipment part molding process is mainly based on the need for the device, which selected the appropriate equipment to determine the type, manufacturer and price. Finally, according to production needs, the design determined the number of units required.
    In this chapter of the material balance, which gives the production time,the amount of material in each step of the process, the calculation formula feeding amount of each component, the amount of loss, and the final amount of waste material. At last, it can determine the workload of the extruder.
    In the chapter of energy balance, the energy of forming part in the system and head of the production process are first calculated. And then, the amount of water and electricity are calculated.
    In the non-process design part,it involves the arrangement of personnel, work systems, personnel training programs, the guidelines for safe production and “Three wastes” treatment.
    In this chapter, the expenditure and revenue accounts of the economy which mainly needed for this design were estimated and analyzed.
    In the last chapter, the design of plant layout involved the equipment reasonable layout in the workshop, as well as the rational design of the plant inside, reasonable arrangements for electric lighting, heating and ventilation facilities.
    目  录
    1   绪论.1
    1.1    文献综述    1
    1.2    本设计的目的和意义    4
    1.3    本设计的产品规格    5
    2    配方设计及成型方法的确定    6
    2.1    配方设计    6
    2.2    成型方法的确定    22
    3    总工艺流程    26
    3.1    成型前的准备    27
    3.2    成型    28
    3.3    挤管辅机    46
    4    设备选型    58
    4.1    鼓风干燥箱    58
    4.2    平动筛    58
    4.3    自动秤    59
    4.4    高速混合机    59
    4.5    双螺杆挤出机    60
    4.6    破碎机    60
    4.7    挤管辅机    61
    5    物料衡算    64
    5.1    年生产时间的确定    64
    5.2    衡算过程    64
    6    能量衡算    67
    6.1    挤出成型系统    67
    6.2    能量衡算流程    67
    6.3    用电损耗    71
    7    非工艺设计    72
    7.1    工作制度    72
    7.2    人员编制    72
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