    The physical ultraviolet screening effect
    of hemp powder and its application in cosmetics
    Abstract: As people’s health consciousness gradually improve, more and more natural and organic ingredients are added to the personal care products, sunscreens is no exception.Because plant composition can increase the produc SPF,and chemicals is avoided using .Some new facial skin care products on the market just joined a variety of antioxidants, these antioxidants made products SPF value increase.Due to UV absorber and ultraviolet screening agent have obvious relatively characteristics, the natural sunscreens which obtain from the natural plant have little stimulation to the skin, at the sunblock same time, also have the effects like whitened and freckle removed , anti-aging, have both sunscreen and nutrition at the same time, so plants sunscreen all attractived. Hemp plant has excellent performance of sunscreen ,which can effectively block or absorb ultraviolet and repair the skin after sunburn.This subject uesed hemp powder as raw material, by the pretreatment of the hemp powder and the research of its sunscreen performance, developing the hemp powder pretreatment and sunscreen detection, provided the experimental evidences for the industrialization of hemp sunscreen.
    KeyWords: sunscreens; natural sun-screening agents; hemp powder; acid and alkali treatment;absorbancy; sun-screening performance
    1绪论    1
    1.1  皮肤的光生物损伤症状和因素    1
    1.1.1  因素    1
    1.1.2  症状    2
    1.2  化妆品常用防晒方式    4
    1.2.1  物理屏蔽    4
    1.2.2  化学吸收    4
    1.2.3  天然植物    4
    1.3  防晒功效评价    5
    1.3.1  UVA防晒评价    6
    1.3.2  UVB防晒评价    6
    1.4  课题研究的意义和内容    7
    1.4.1  课题研究的意义    7
    1.4.2  课题研究的内容    8
    2实验内容    9
    2.1  实验仪器与原料    9
    2.1.1  实验仪器    9
    2.1.2  实验原料    10
    2.2  实验内容    10
    2.2.1  配制酸碱液    11
    2.2.2  汉麻粉的破碎处理方法    11
    2.2.3  汉麻粉酸碱处理    12
    2.2.3  汉麻粉洗脱    12
    2.2.4  汉麻粉抽滤、烘干    12
    2.2.5  汉麻粉3M胶带待测吸光度样品的配制    12
    2.2.6  汉麻粉吸光度测试    13
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