    论文详细研究了临安膨润土的吸附性能。临安的膨润土,粒度为200目。其主要交换阳离子为Na+,Ca2+,属钠钙型。实验结果表明膨润土是一种从水溶液中有效去除金属离子的吸附剂,对Cu2+有很好的吸附效果。实验所用的临安膨润土在去除率达到95%以上后提高去除率会使能耗倍增,使得在实际废水处理中成本高。在不同的因素下来研究膨润土对Cu2+吸附的影响,得出最佳吸附条件为膨润土用量为1.0g, Cu2+浓度为1.0g/L,溶液体积100mL、pH值为5.2、温度20 0C。
    关键词:膨润土; Cu2+;去除率;
    Adsorption effect of bentonite
    Abstract:Adsorption has already been used widely in treating wastewater because it is simple and efficient. The exploitation of the cheap and effective adsorption materials has attracted much attention. Bentonite is abundant in our country. It has unique samdwich structure and powerful adsorption ability. At present, the study of appliance of bentonite is mostly about the adsorption of organic pollutants on organobentonite. However few study is done about the adsorption of nature bentonite and the problem of solid/ liquid separation. The adsorption of Cu2+ in wastewater on nature bentonite and modified bentonite was investigated in this thesis.
    The papers detailed study Linan Bentonite adsorption properties. The Lin'an bentonite particle size is 200 mesh. Its main exchange cations are Na+ and Ca2+, so it is sodium and calcium type. The experimental results showed that the bentonite is  the adsorbent for the effective removal of metal ions from an aqueous solution, Linan Bentonite can adsorb Cu2+. Linan Bentonite used in the experiments in the removal rate of more than 95% removal rate causes the energy consumption doubled, making the high cost of the actual wastewater treatment. Down in the different factors to study the impact of bentonite Cu2+ adsorption obtained optimum adsorption conditions for the amount of bentonite to 1.0 g, Cu2+ concentration to 1.0 g / L, solution volume of 100mL, pH 5.2, temperature 20 0C.

    Key  Words: Bentonite; Adsorption; Cu2+;
    1    绪论    5
    1.1.    膨润土的概述    5
    1.1.1    膨润土的概念    5
    1.1.2    膨润土的结构    5
    1.1.3    膨润土的类型    7
    1.1.4    膨润土资源概况    8
    1.1.5    膨润土应用现状    8
    1.2    膨润土在废水处理中的应用    8
    1.2.1    去除有机污染物    9
    1.3    去除重金属离子    10
    1.3.1    脱色    10
    1.3.2    其他方面    10
    1.4    膨润土的改性方法    11
    1.4.1    焙烧改性膨润土    11
    1.4.2    酸改性膨润土    11
    1.4.3    钠化改性膨润土    12
    1.4.4    有机改性膨润土    12
    1.4.5    交联改性膨润土    13
    1.4.6    纳米改性膨润土    13
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