    关键词  GAP  增塑  工艺性能  力学性能  玻璃化转变温度
    Title   Study on properties of GAP elastomeric plasticized by A3                    
    Glycidyl azide polymer (GAP) is a  high-energy, insensitive, low signature propellant binder, but it still has some shortcomings.Bis(2,2-dinitropropyl)formal and bis(2,2-dinitropropyl)diformal (A3) is used to plasticized  GAP ,it can improve the crafts of GAP adhesive system and the mechanical properties of low-temperature.A3 makes the glass transition temperature lower and the crafts better,but it has some influence in the mechanical properties.To solve this problem,we perpare some films of GAP with different ratio of plasticization. Verify their mutual solubility and reaction integrity by Infrared spectroscopy (FR). To characterize the technological properties of plasticized A3 GAP elastomers by testing it’s Viscosity. To characterize the mechanical properties by tensile test.To characterize the dynamic mechanical properties and the glass transition temperature by DMA. Analysis of all the results of the appeal,we can explore the impact of A3'performance in GAP thermoplastic elastomer.
    Keywords  GAP  Plasticized   The process performance  Mechanical properties 
     The glass transition temperature
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景    1
    1.1.1  黏合剂    1
    1.1.2增塑剂    2
    1.2  含能热塑性弹性体的研究进展    2
    1.2.1线性弹性体    2
    1.2.2交联弹性体    3
    1.3  GAP弹性体的结构与性质    3
    1.3.1 GAP弹性体的微相分离    3
    1.3.2 GAP弹性体的分子结构    3
    1.4  BDNPF/A增塑固体推进剂    3
    1.5  研究及要解决的问题    4
    2  实验药品及仪器    4
    2.1 粘结剂    4
    2.2 增塑剂    4
    2.3 实验仪器    5
    3  不同增塑比GAP胶片的制备及性能表征    5
    3.1 胶片的制备    5
    3.2 胶片性能表征    5
    4  性能表征及结果分析    6
    4.1 红外光谱测试    6
    4.2 力学性能测试    8
    4.3 动态力学性能测试    10
    4.4 工艺性能测试    14
    结  论    17
    致  谢    19
    1  绪论
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