
    China has made some achievements in the coal tar processing, but compared with
    developed countries there are still research is weak, less investment, small scale,
    backward technology existing device and too the dispersion problem, deep processing
    is not enough, serious pollution of the environment etc.. Urgent problems of our
    country coal tar processing rate is low,processing depth is not enough, the varieties of
    products too little, small scale,development and application of processing device
    manufacturers such as insufficient investment in solution. After I according to the
    comparison I choose domestic application is more and more mature and pressure for
    two tower tar distillation process. The process is characterized in that: a mature
    process,simple; investment is low; the products of good quality; high concentration
    naphthalene fraction; phenol removal in the wash fractions low naphthalene content
    fraction; simple operation; concentrated washing waste gas, good environmental
    protection effect.
    In the calculation process, first of all I the main equipment for the material balance,
    heat balance calculation and selection of equipment, the equipment includes: pipe
    type heating furnace, a section of the evaporator, the two evaporator, column,
    anthracene tower, a cooler, then determine the appropriate diameter and height of
    tower equipment, at the same time also design calculation of tower plate; moreover I
    make a non process design and budget. And draw the process flow diagram by
    Auto-CAD, column chart, workshop layout. Included in non design conditions:
    section construction condition, heating and ventilation,water supply and drainage, fire
    safety and fire protection, labor organizations and personnel, environmental
    protection, economic and budget etc.. The budget includes: labor costs, expenses,
    costs, and the price of hydropower equipment.
    The results show that cylindrical tube type furnace is 3.5 million kilocalorie/hour,
    the section of the evaporator diameter is 1200mm, Sec evaporator diameter is1800mm. The diameter of the tower is 1400mm, the height of the tower is 23000mm,
    in which the plate number is 36. Anthracene tower diameter is 1400mm, plate number
    is 23.The section of condensation heat transfer area of the cooler is 32m2
    , and the distillate tower condensate cooler heat transfer area is 148m2
    , anthracene oil-immersed no cooler heat transfer area is 18 m2
    .Keywords: coal tar;calculation of crafts; tar distillation; distillation tower 目录
    1 文献综述2
    1.1 课题的实际意义.. 2
    1.2 煤焦油的简介 2
    1.3 国内煤焦油的成产现状.. 3
    1.3.1 煤焦油成产情况..3
    1.3.2 煤焦油成产工艺..5
    1.3.3 我国焦油加工的现状6
    1.3.4 煤焦油加工存在的问题..7
    1.4 煤焦油加工的国内外现状及发展趋势.. 8
    1.4.1 国外煤焦油加工技术的现状及发展趋势.8
    1.4.2 国内外煤焦油加工工艺的区别..9
    2 工艺方案的确定及主要设备选择10
    2.1 工艺方案的确定 10
    2.2 主要设备选择. 10
    2.2.1 管式加热炉..10
    2.2.2 一段蒸发器.. 11
    2.2.3 二段蒸发器.. 11
    2.2.4 馏分塔. 11
    3 工艺计算. 11
    3.1 物料衡算.11
    3.1.1 整个流程的物料衡算.12
    3.1.2 主要设备的物料衡算.12
    3.2 主要设备计算. 14
    3.2.1 管式加热炉..14
    3.2.3 二段蒸发器..17
    3.2.4 蒽塔..17
    3.2.5 馏分塔.19
    3.2.6 一段轻油冷凝冷却器.20
    3.2.7 馏分塔轻油冷凝冷却器22
    3.2.8 浸没式冷却器(切萘洗量混馏分).23
    3.3 馏分塔塔板的工艺计算 24
    3.3.1 塔径..243.3.2 塔高..25
    3.3.3 圆泡罩塔盘的设计..25
    3.3.4 板面布置26
    3.3.5 塔板压降28
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