    Study on Trivalent Chromium Colorful Passivation Technology for Potassium chloride zinc plating
    Abstract: The purpose of this project is to develop a low-toxicity of trivalent chromium passivation process on the environment, to be used to replace the high toxicity of hexavalent chromium passivation process. By single-factor experiment and orthogonal, passivation solution composition and passivation process carry out exploration and research, has been one of the best formula of trivalent chromium color passivation technology. The process of major film is Cr2(SO4)3•6H2O, content 8g/L; complex agent for malonate, content 5g/L; oxidants is NaNO3, content 5g/L; activating metal ions selected NiSO4•6H2O, the dosage of 1.2g/L; anions promoter NaCl, 0.5g/L; pH 1.6; passive temperature 25℃; passive time of 80s. The process can be a dense layer of passive film on three price chromium colored passivation film and looks bright and detailed. Neutral salt spray test, the best formulation process experiment of adhesion test, lead-acid, showed that salt-fog resistance of up to 78 hours, lead-acid drop experiment appears black spots of up to 74 seconds, good adhesion.
    Keywords:galvanization;trivalent chromium;Color Passivation
    目 录
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  钝化的用途及分类    1
    1.2  钝化液各组分的作用    2
    1.3  三价铬离子彩色钝化    3
    1.4  三价铬彩色钝化原理    4
    1.3  课题国内外研究的概况、水平    5
    1.4  三价铬离子彩色钝化的发展趋向    6
    2  工艺研究部分    7
    2.1  试样准备    7
    2.2  氯化钾镀锌    7
    2.3  三价铬彩色钝化液钝化    8
    2.4  镀层质量检验    8
    3  实验研究    10
    3.1  实验仪器、试剂、材料    10
        3.1.1  主要仪器和材料    10
        3.1.2  主要试剂    10
    3.2  镀锌层的制备    10
        3.2.1  镀锌液的配制    10
        3.2.2  试片镀锌    10
    3.3  基础钝化配方及工艺参数的确定    11
        3.3.1  三价铬盐的选择    11
        3.3.2  配位剂的选择    12
        3.3.3  氧化剂的选择    13
        3.3.4  金属活化离子的选择及其含量对钝化膜性能的影响    13
    3.3.5  阴离子促进剂的选择    14
    3.3.6  钝化操作条件的确定    14
    4  试验结果与讨论    16
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