


    Simulation and remediation of chlorinated hydrocarbon contaminated aquifer media by simulated biological enhanced reductive desorption

    Abstract: As a kind of common industrial cleaning agent, organic chlorine solvent has been used in large scale, and the following behavior caused by leakage and abandonment is a large amount of such pollutants in the environment. Especially in the organic chlorine solvent into the underground environment, it is easy to migrate and spread, resulting in a larger range and long time, continuous pollution, which is the most serious pollution of the underground aquifer. In situ bioremediation is a promising method for the green remediation of organic chlorine solvent contaminated groundwater, but the harsh environmental conditions of the natural degradation of anaerobic microorganisms. In this study, in order to maximize the play the role of anaerobic bacteria, improve the effect of degradation of organic chloride, referring to the results of previous studies, decided to preparation of a composite restorative materials to strengthen the chlorinated hydrocarbons biological reductive dechlorination process. In the experimental process were discussed in detail different embedding conditions and different composition ratio of composite of dechlorination effect that best microcapsule composition and different proportion of the data.

    KeyWords: chlorinated hydrocarbons; zero valence iron; in situ bioremediation; micro capsules

      目  录

    1绪论 1

    1.1 研究背景 1

    1.2 地下水有机氯溶剂污染现状 2

    1.3地下水有机氯溶剂污染修复技术概述 4

    1.3.1 异位修复技术 4

    1.3.2 原位修复技术 5

    2 生物强化还原脱氯材料 7

    2.1有机氯溶剂厌氧生物降解机制 7

    2.1.1还原脱氯作用 7

    2.1.2 氧化脱氯作用 8

    2.2 强化厌氧生物修复材料研究进展 9

    2.2.1零价铁 9

    2.2.2有机物 10

    2.2.3生物炭 11

    2.2.4复合材料 12

    2.3 微胶囊包埋技术 13

    2.3.1 微胶囊的制备方法 14

    2.3.2 微胶囊包埋技术在地下水处理中的应用及优势 16

    3 实验材料及内容 17

    3.1 实验试剂及仪器

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