    关键词: 就业;大学生;促进就业;财政支持4251
    Discussion on the governmental financial support in promoting university students' employment
    Abstract:With the quicken process of popularization of higher education in our country, the number of university graduates present an increasing tendency every year, and the problem of university students’ employment is increasingly outstanding, the employment of university students suffered a “cold current”, and the phenomenon has aroused high social attention. The government has responsibility and obligation in promoting employment, in order to promote university students’ employment, the government has established series of policies and measures to promote employment. To some extent, these policies and measures do ease the pressure to university students’ employment, but they still cannot fundamentally solve the problem. In terms of financial support, the government made some policies and measures to promote university students’ employment. This article aimed at the problems existed in the government’s fiscal policies and measures to support university students’ employment, and put forward some advice to perfect these problems.
    Key words: obtain employment;university students;promote the employment;financial support
    目  录
    一、绪论    1
    (一) 研究背景    1
    (二) 研究目的与意义    1
    1. 研究目的    1
    2. 研究意义    2
    (三) 研究综述    2
    1. 国内研究现状    2
    2. 国外研究现状    3
    二、我国促进大学生就业的财政支持现状    5
    (一) 基本概念界定    5
    1. 就业的定义    5
    2. 大学生的定义    5
    (二) 我国大学生就业中存在的变化    5
    1. 大学生毕业生人数的发展变化    5
    2. 就业的产业结构变化    6
    (三) 促进大学生就业的财政支持现状    7
    1. 实行税收减免和财政补贴,鼓励大学生自主创业和灵活就业    7
    2. 强化对困难大学生的就业援助    8
    3. 通过税收优惠和财政补贴,鼓励企业吸纳大学生就业    8
    4. 鼓励和引导大学生到基层就业的政策    8
    5. 拓宽大学生的就业渠道的措施    8
    三、促进大学生就业的财政支持案例分析——以金山区为例    10
    (一) 调查方法    10
    1. 问卷调查法    10
    2. 访谈法    10
    3. 政策梳理    10
    (二) 调查对象    10
    (三) 调查结果分析    10
    1. 调查对象目前的就业状态    11
    2. 对大学生创业方面的想法    11
    3. 支持大学生就业的资金渠道或形式    13
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