    Construction project management responsibility for security research
    Abstract:At present, our country is in a period of rapid economic development, the scale of the construction industry has been more and more big, the safety management responsibility has become a modern construction enterprises must attach much importance to the issue, enterprises must improve their safety management level of responsibility, to avoid safety accident.In this paper, using the survey method, literature research, experience and methods of system science, endoplasmic reticulum and the related factors of the safety management responsibility to conduct a comprehensive inspection, fully draw lessons from the successful experience of foreign developed countries and new achievements and new methods of modern enterprise management, responsibility for safety management theory of the comprehensive, systematic and in-depth research. Closely with China's national conditions, considering the specialization of traditional culture, the persification of economic components, practitioners of complication, the high speed of economic development, and the lag of the construction of legal system, production safety situation is grim, and many other factors, in order to give prominence to the pertinence, effectiveness and operability for the principle, established a set of practical theory system.At the same time, the theory combined with practice, this paper expounds the establishment and implementation of the concrete operation safety management responsibility, and points out the insufficient safety management responsibility of the construction of the common and myth. To face the serious situation of safety production in our country, the development innovation, suit the remedy to the case, with a new theory, new ideas, new methods, new initiatives to promote safety management establish and implement the responsibility system, lead safety construction to develop in the direction of standardization, scientific and legalization, fundamentally reverse the situation of our country's safety construction, realize the safety construction of stability and security, ensuring sound and rapid economic and social development, people's life and property security, ensure the realization of the objective of building a harmonious society.
    Key words:Engineering construction;Safety;Managerment;Responsibility
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