    Wechat Marketing research
    Abstract:With the development and popularization of intelligent mobile phone and wireless networks, Wechat has become the enterprise marketing strategies. As the instant communication tool, the most active, Wechat with its perse functions and strong social relationship chain to attract a large number of enterprises of all ages. Compared with the micro-blog, Wechat has stronger cohesive and more accurate target positioning, this let Wechat has become the enterprise after the micro-blog after another marketing tool. This paper Wechat marketing mode and its advantages and disadvantages, scope of application are discussed, and the characteristics of Wechat marketing analysis. Finally Wechat marketing suggestions for the enterprise, that enterprise should pay attention to scientific information push frequency moderation, push information content readability, Wechat service accessibility and customer management system in Wechat marketing.
    Key words:Wechat marketing;Social Networking ;Mobile Networking;Weibo;O2O
    一 、绪论    1
    (一)研究目的及意义    1
    (二)基本概念界定    3
    1、社会化媒体    3
    2、微信    3
    3、“5W”模式理论    3
    (三)国内外研究现状       4
    1. 微信    4
    2.SoLoMo营销模式    4
    二、微信营销传播特点分析    7
    (一)移动互联网属性较强    7
    (二) 传播特点    7
    (三) 传播途径广    9
    (四) 充分发挥互动性和服务意识    9
    三、微博和微信的营销效果对比    11
    (一)微博营销传播效果    11
    1、微博营销裂变式的蝴蝶效应    11
    2、营销内容曝光度较低    11
    3、转化率较低    11
    (二)微信营销传播效果    12
    1、精准营销模式使其曝光度高    12
    2、微信营销具有较高的转化率    12
    四、微信营销存在的问题    13
    (一)微信营销平台不够完善    13
    (二)品牌推广类营销需求没有实现    13
    (三)O2O 发展存在严重不对等性    14
    (四)粉丝互动感知度低,推送信息阅读率低    14
    (五)用户隐私安全受到威胁    15
    五、微信营销应对问题的建议    16
    (一)加强微信平台的建设    16
    (二)企业应重视微信营销的开展    16
    (三)开创 O2O 创新模式——以大粤网新光百货 O2O 营销为例    16
    (四)互动营销模式——以星巴克微信营销为例    17
    结语    19
    致谢    20
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