    With the restructuring of the Social Security Model and the transfering of the rural population, the demand of China’s rural pension institutions will greatly increase,and the lag development of rural pension institutions will bring more and more issues, the current pension institutions in rural areas is far from perfect, so vigorously strengthen the building of rural pension service is currently a serious problem. In this paper, it is mainly analysis the issues exist in the development of the rural pension institutions in Shanghai, in the whole endowment institution beds lack of environment, what caused the Shanghai rural area surplus phenomenon beds, such as the service content is not perfect, lack of capital investment, lack of specialized care services team and other issues, through questionnaire investigation and interview method to understand the development status and the problems encountered of the A nursing home in Fengxian District, so that summarized bottlenecks exist in the development of ruralpension institutions, provide basic data for the study , meanwhile put forward the corresponding suggestion. Pension institutions is bound to become an important way to ease the pressure on our country’s rural pension. Therefore, for the current problems existing in the development of rural pension institutions must improve attention and vigilance.
    Key Words: Rural old-age institutions;Spare beds; Service item; Service personal
    目 录
    绪 论    1
    一、研究背景    2
    二、文献回顾    2
    (一)养老机构的床位需求研究    2
    (二)养老机构服务方面的研究    3
    (三)养老机构管理方面的研究    4
    (四)农村老年人养老机构的需求调查    4
    三、理论架构和研究方法    5
    (一)理论基础    5
      1、顾客导向理论    5
      2、连续性理论    6
    (二)研究方法    6
    四、农村养老机构相关调查结果及分析    7
    (一)奉贤区A养老院所在农村地区的居民调查    7
    (二)奉贤区A养老院发展现状    8
      1、A养老院管理人员和护理人员调查    8
      2、A养老院基础设施情况    9
      3、A养老院服务项目    9
      4、A养老院入住老人基本信息    10
      (三)农村养老机构的发展瓶颈探析    10
      1、A养老院床位空余现象的分析    10
      2、试探农村地区养老机构发展中的瓶颈    10
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