    毕业论文关键词:企业组织健康   员工援助计划  E-EAP体系
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
    Title   Research on  E-EAP based on  Organization Health  Evaluation                                                 
        Employee Assistance Program (referred to EAP), is a widely popular international program that organizations given a new employee welfare programs to the employees, the implementation of the project organization for improving the quality of life of employees, enhance the core competitiveness of the organization has an important significance. With the increase of the organizational health and employee health issues , research and outreach of EAP has expanded from the U.S. to Europe, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong and many other countries and regions, and EAP has been proved to be an effective solution to the problem of employee health and a powerful theory and tools to improve organizational performance in practice. In recent years, EAP came into our country, and in some enterprises , institutions and troops , EAP has achieved some certain results.
        However, due to a various reasons such as cultural background, and enterprise system ,there are still many problems on the specific implementation of Chinese enterprises . Based on the health of human capital ,ever business should be concerned about employees' mental health problems, how to do better in staff assistance , we must use some assistance programs. EAP ,as a system of assistance programs , will play an important role on the healthy development of the enterprise organization.
       In healthy human capital theory, we often referred to two concepts, they are organizational health and employee health. Under normal circumstances, we will find more health assessment organization is involved in organizing health, ignoring the inpidual health section. Another baking in the corporate health strategies we have in contact, EAP as a relatively comprehensive system of assistance programs, is dedicated to the inpidual health assistance. So, how can the organizational health and inpidual health combined evaluation and assistance to do to match? This paper will build a new E-EAP system. The system is not what we often said EAP assistance programs, but includes a health system model of human capital assistance program.
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