    关键词  新生代新员工 组织社会化 主动社会化 主动社会化行为 主动性人格  组织社会化结果 目标取向管理
    Title  Avoid blind initiative - the research about initiative socialization tactics taken by the new generation of new employees                                                       
    The new generation of new employees has become a huge new force of labor market. When they are in the process of integrating into the organization, especially in the not ready condition, initiative socialization tactics taken by the new employees will have strong subjective color, in other words, they tend to appear blind initiative. In order to avoid blind initiative, they need to take initiative socialization tactics under the guidance of goal orientation. This article researches on the definition and the content of organizational socialization, the result of organizational socialization, the content and influence factors of the active social behaviors, the definition and dimension classification of employees’ goal orientation management, etc. Research idea is, on the basis of the content of initiative socialization tactics and research methods, in order to avoid blind initiative and to be better social organizational, new employees need to take appropriate active social strategies under the guidance of goal orientation management. The research uses the questionnaire survey method to collect data, then through the sample analysis, variable features descriptive statistics analysis, factor analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis and other statistical methods to come to the conclusion. On the basis of the conclusion, we offer  our suggestion for new staff.
    Keywords  the new generation of new employees, organizational socialization, initiative socialization tactics, proactive personality,
    results of organization socialization, goal-orientation management
    目  次
    1引言    1
    1.1 研究背景    1
    1.2 研究目的    2
    1.3 研究意义    2
    2 研究方案    2
    2.1 研究路线    3
    2.2 研究方法    3
    2.3 论文研究框架    3
    3 文献综述    4
    3.1 新生代新员工的界定    4
    3.2 组织社会化    6
    3.3 主动社会化行为    8
    3.4 员工目标取向管理    13
    3.5 研究假设与研究模型    14
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