
    摘 要:伴随移动互联的飞速发展及九零后新妈妈的逐渐崛起,母婴产品企业的营销面临巨大挑战。基于市场营销相关理论,论文研究发现九零后新妈妈具有关注健康和安全、更愿意为宝宝消费、有强烈的购物分享意愿、更多利用移动设备上网等的网络购买行为特征,基于此,对比分析新旧环境下母婴产品企业营销模式的差异,找出母婴产品企业在移动互联环境下营销的一些不足,从四个方面即注重微信微博营销、开展O2O营销、实施精准营销、加强发货质量管理等为国内母婴产品企业开展移动电商营销提出改进建议。69739

    毕业论文关 键 词:九零后妈妈,母婴产品,移动电商   

    Abstract:Along with the rapid development of mobile Internet and post 90s new mothers gradually rise, maternal and child products enterprise marketing faces enormous challenges. Based on the theory of marketing, research found that post-90 mothers have behavior characteristics like paying more attention to health and safety, and are more willing to pay for baby consumption, strong willingness to share shopping experiences, using more mobile devices and network purchase. Based on this, comparative analysis differences under the environment of new and old maternal and child products marketing business model , proposed some inadequate in maternal and child products businesses in the mobile internet environment, for maternal and child products enterprises in domestic mobile business to carry out network marketing propose to focus on micro Po marketing, O2O marketing, implementation of precision marketing recommendations for improvement.

       Keywords:  post-90s mother. maternal and child products,mobile e-commerce

    目  录

    1 引言 3

    2相关理论概述 3

    2.1消费者行为学 3

    2.2营销渠道 3

    2.3营销传播 4

    3九零后新妈妈购买行为特征分析 4

    3.1更加注重健康和安全 4

    3.2母婴产品消费支出比例更高 5

    3.3强烈的分享意愿 5

    3.4更多利用移动设备上网 6

    4新旧环境下母婴产品企业营销模式对比分析 7

    4.1传统母婴产品企业的营销模式 7

    4.2移动互联环境下母婴产品企业营销模式 8

    4.3新旧环境下母婴产品企业营销模式差异比较 9

    5 母婴产品企业营销在移动互联环境下存在的不足 9

    5.1缺乏与新消费群体的有效沟通 9

    5.2产品体验性欠缺 10

    5.3传播针对性不足 10

    5.4发货差错率影响品牌信誉 11

    6 母婴产品企业移动电商营销改进策略 11

    6.1注重微信和微博营销 11

    6.2开展020营销 11

    6.3实施精准营销 12

    6.4加强发货质量管理 12

    结 论 13

    参 考 文 献 14

    致 谢

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