
    摘要:目前,我国工伤保险制度经历了一个不断完善的过程,对农民工工伤权益的保护亦逐渐完善。但是农民工工伤保险仍然存在严重漏保,劳动关系认定困难,程序复杂,维权成本高、政府责任缺位等问题。保障农民工合法权益,必须完善工伤保险先行支付制度,扩大工伤保险的覆盖面,精简工伤认定、劳动能力鉴定、工伤索赔程序, 各部门各司其职,充分发挥政府的监管作用,加强对农民工工伤案件的法律援助。同时,加大工伤保险政策的宣传,以期切实解决农民工工伤维权难的问题。64979


    Abstract: At present, industrial injury insurance system in China had experienced a process of constantly improving. The protection to migrant workers also were improved . In practice, there are some problems, such as the rate of migrant workers take part in evidence insurance is very low, it is difficult for them to gather evidence, the prevention and recovery of industrial injury is not sound, even the punishment to employer haven’t in place. This paper is at the point of governmental responsibility, by means of studying the accident insurance regulation legislative evolution of migrant workers, contact with recent accident insurance and the present situation of migrant worker industrial insurance, then writer can put up with some achievable suggestions on account of migrant lawful rights and interests.

    Keywords: migrant workers, evidence insurance for migrant workers, governmental responsibility


    1.引言 4

    2.完善农民工工伤保险制度的意义 4

    2.1农民工群体的特殊性 4

    2.1.1文化水平普遍偏低,缺乏维权意识 4

    2.1.2工作流动性大,不稳定 5

    2.1.3小农思想严重 5

    2.1.4农民工从事职业替代性强 5

    3.强调农民工工伤保险中政府责任的必要性 5

    3.1政府是农民工的保护伞 5

    3.2我国农村经济发展的需要 5

    3.3有利于国家兴旺和社会稳定 6

    4.农民工工伤保险现状 6

    4.1 农民工工伤保险漏保严重 6

    4.2 劳动关系举证困难 7

    4.3 程序复杂,维权成本高 7

    4.4 政府监管缺位 8

    5.完善农民工工伤保险制度中政府责任的对策 8

    5.1 扩大工伤保险的覆盖面 8

    5.2 精简工伤认定、劳动能力鉴定程序 8

    5.3 完善工伤保险先行支付制度 9

    5.4 各部门各司其职,充分发挥政府的监管作用 9

    5.5 设立工伤保障专员 10

    5.6 加大宣传力度 10

    5.7 加强对农民工工伤案件的法律援助 11

    结论 12

    参考文献 13

    致谢 14

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