

    毕业论文关键词  民间法  国家法  互动  纠纷解决

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Application of Folk Law on Dealing with Dispute                                            


    Along with the accelerated process of the rule of law, and the prevalence of legal pluralism, folk law as “non-national law” is rising. At the same time, the understanding of folk law renovates quickly. Folk law has been acceptable as a living law. All norms, especially folk law, one member of laws, are prepared for dealing with disputes. There are three ways to settle disputes in modern times.The first is lawsuit,the characteristic of which is to take law primarily and folk law as complementary,even in judicial mediation. The second is alternative dispute resolution(ADR) ,conciliation,arbitration,etc. The characteristic of ADR is to apply law and folk law equally.In this way,the concerning parties are entitled to choose norms and dispose their own rights,then it can apply norms more flexibly. What is more,the concerning parties even may consult to formulate a dispute resolution treaty by the moderator.The last way is self - help remedy,which may be pided into the lawful and the unlawful ones.In self - help remedies,the primary applicable norm is folk law,but not constitutional law. Visibly,both folk law and state law are necessary for the resolution of disputes. No matter how complicated the interaction between folk law and state law are. it is wise to combine folk law with state law.   

    Keywords   folk law   state law   interaction  dispute settlement   

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    2  民间法纠纷解决概述 1

    2.1 民间法概述 1

    2.2纠纷解决机制概述 3

    3  民间法与国家法的在纠纷解决中的互动 7

    3.1  民间法与国家法良性互动的必要性 7

    3.2  民间法与国家法良性互动的方式 8

    4  民间法在纠纷解决中的具体应用 11

    4.1  民间法在司法纠纷解决中的具体应用 11

    4.2  民间法在替代性解决方案中的具体应用 13

    结  论 16

    致  谢 17

    参 考 文 献

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