摘 要:行政告知制度是防止权力机关滥用权力、保护相对人合法权益、推进依法行政的一项重要制度。我国的告知制度是以“正当程序原则”、“自然公正原则”、“防卫权原则”以及“行政公开原则”为理论基础。近年来我国的行政告知制度取得较大发展,但在实践中,行政告知对象不明确、程序违法、内容不适当以及告知方式乱用等一系列问题。本文在阐述告知制度内涵的基础上,结合有关立法在行政告知制度方面的规定,就构建和完善行政告知制度进行探讨。56193
Abstract: Administrative Informing is an important system to prevent the abuse of power by organs of power, protect the legitimate rights and interests of the relative person, and promote administration according to law. It uses “natural justice principle”, “due process of law”, "defense right principle" and “the principle of administrative openness” in our country as its theoretical basis. In recent years, China's administrative information system has achieved great development, but in the actual operation, there are still a series of problems such as inaccurate informing object, inappropriate informing content, illegal procedures, incorrect informing ways. On the basis of introducing the administrative information system, and combining with some provisions of relevant legislation in the aspect of administrative information system, the paper attempts to carry out a preliminary discussion about establishing and perfecting the administrative information system.
Keywords: Administrative information,The value of law, Administrative execution
目 录
一 引言 4
二 行政告知制度的理论基础和价值 5
(一)行政告知的含义 5
(二)行政告知的法律价值 5
(三)行政告知制度的理论渊源 7
三 行政告知制度的现状分析 8
(一) 国外行政告知制度评价 8
(二)我国立法现状分析 9
四 行政告知制度的进一步完善 12
(一)明确行政告知的对象 12
(二)告知内容要具体充分完整 13
(三)告知方式要合理使用 13
(四)明确告知制度的法律责任 13
(五)增加行政告知的救济措施 14
结语 16
参考文献 17
致 谢 18