
    摘要“人肉搜索”中表现出的民众自发地对道德的捍卫,体现了民间力量维护社会正义的积极一面,但是当人肉搜索以侵犯别人隐私、触犯社会道德底线的方式,造成无形的舆论压力,从网上追到现实生活中来捍卫所谓的道德正义从而引起暴力、失范事件时就会偏离正确方向。 人肉搜索的负面影响主要体现在对个人和社会的以下方面:(1)侵犯公民(当事人)的隐私权、名誉权、安全权。人肉搜索往往引发多人关注,网民通过各种手段公布并传播当事人的个人信息,包括姓名、联系方式、家庭住址等等,造成当事人隐私泄露、名誉受损,更有甚者会对侵扰其亲友的正常生活,造成实质的安全威胁和人身伤害。(2)违背社会道德。网络媒体具有匿名性、开放性的特点,网民在这个虚拟的空间内拥有高度的自由,加之网站监管不利、把关人角色缺失导致部分网民责任的淡化,发表言论时借道德的名义恶意夸大事实,进行人身攻击,严重破坏网络秩序。(3)产生其他社会问题。人肉搜索往往伴有网络暴力,伴随着侵权行为甚至是违法犯罪行为等其他社会问题的产生,破坏社会和谐。51495

    “Renrou Search” showing the people defending the moral spontaneously reflects the positive side of civil power in maintaining social justice. However, when the “Renrou Search” in the terms of infringing on the privacy of others, breaking the moral bottom line and cause invisible pressure of public opinion, people from the Internet to real life to defend the so-called moral justice which lead to violence, anomie event. Then things will deviate from the correct direction. The negative function of “Renrou Search” is mainly reflected in the following aspects: (1) infringement of citizens (parties) privacy and reputation and security. “Renrou Search” is always caused people’s concern. Internet users will publish and disseminate the party’s personal information including name, contact information, home address and so on through a variety of means. It will cause parties privacy leak, reputation damage, even their relatives and friends’ personal life, causing serious security threats and personal injury. (2) Contrary to social morality. Due to the lack of the openness, disorderly of network media and the lack of the role of gatekeeper, Internet users have high degree of freedom in this space which lead to the responsibility desalination, so they will start to some behavior as insult, abuse, slander and personal attacks, exaggerate the facts that make ordinary things with moral labels and cross the moral standards which will lead to serious damage to the network order. (3)Create other social problems. “Renrou Search” often accompanied by network violence, along with other social problems such as violations and even criminal acts and lead to the destruction of social harmony.

    毕业论文关键词:人肉搜索; 网络暴力; 个人隐私;社会学

    Keyword: Renrou Search; cyber violence; personal privacy; sociology 

    目    录

    一、绪论 4

    (一)“人肉搜索”的产生背景      4

    (二)“人肉搜索”的概念界定 4

    二、基于“成都女司机被打事件”的个案研究 5

    (一)事件概况 5

    (二)人肉搜索的过程 6

    (三)“人肉搜索”在个案中扮演的角色 6

    1.监督者 6


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