
    摘要:随着城镇化和工业化的发展,以农村剩余劳动力为主的特殊社会群体–农民工,大批涌向城市,以打工谋生,成为推动城市经济快速增长的重要力量。但他们从事的一般都是高强度、高风险、高污染的工作,但他们并没有享受到与城镇企业工人同等的待遇,成为工伤与职业病的主要受害者 。本文主要以浙江省某桩头厂进行调查,了解农民工生活和工作环境,以及他们的工伤保险参保状况,以此来说明建立农民工工伤保险的必要性 ,并提出应该从国家、企业、民工个人三方面来建立落实农民工工伤保险相关制度,国家应该从宏观制度上做出法律政策规定,企业应该转变唯利是图的经营理念,为农民工购买工伤保险,农民工自身也应该加强工伤保险的权利意识。48895

    毕业论文关键词:私营建筑业 农民工 工伤保险 制度  建设 措施

    Research On word-related Injury Insurance Of Migrant workers In The Private Construction Industry

    ____ Jia Shan City Of Zhengjiang Province As An Example Of A Zhuang Tou Construction Site

    Abstract: With the development of urbanization and industrialization, the special social group-migrant workers, mostly of them are surplus rural labour. They move into the cities in quantity and make living by doing work for others. Thus, they are becoming an important power to stimulate the economy development with high speed. But they generally engage in high--intensity, high--risk and high--pollution work. In contrast, they don't enjoy the same treatment as city workers but become the main  victims of occupational injury and disease. This thesis conduct a survey by a pile factory in zhejiang province. To know about farmers' life, living environment and the state of their joining in work--related injury insurance. In order to illustrate the necessity of building farmers' work--related injury insurance. At the same time, put forward that country, entrepreneurs and farmers should fulfill the system of work-- related injury insurance. The country should make legal policy at macro level. The entrepreneurs should change the operation principle of seeking nothing but profits to buy work--related injury insurance for farmers. The farmers themselves should also strengthen the consciousness  of work-- related injury insurance right.

    Key words:Prirate Construction Industry   Migrant workers   Work-Related Injury      The System Construcion  Measures


    一、绪论 1

    (一)研究背景和目的 1

    (二)研究意义 1

    1、理论意义 1

    2、现实意义 2

    二、文献综述 2

    (二)国外研究现状 2

    (二)国内研究现状 3

    (三)文献综述(发展趋势) 5

    三、基础理论以及相关概念的界定 5

    (一)基础理论 5

    (二)相关概念界定 6

    四、 建筑业工伤保险制度的发展情况 7

    (一)、我国农民工工伤保险制度的发展情况 7

    (二)、建筑业农民工工伤保险制度的发展情况 8

    五、实证调研 8

    (一) 调查方法 8

    1、 问卷调查

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