    毕业论文关键词:药品专利  公共健康  TRIPS协议 多哈宣言
     Abstract Improvement of pharmaceutical patent protection system makes a huge impact on public health problem. With the trend of growing globalization,in order to protect its domestic pharmaceutical research fruit better, the developed countries put forward a sound about promoting pharmaceutical patent protection system,which is mainly by improving relevant levels on pharmaceutical patent protection in TRIPS agreement so as to improve the pharmaceutical patent protection level of the world especially developing countries and least developed countries . But  for developing countries and least developed countries.that is not only a challenge to their legal system, but also impacts on the public health problems. On the one hand, the developed country hopes that its national pharmaceutical research fruit can get the perfect protection for the sake of increasing its economic benefits;on the other hand, developing countries and least developed countries, hopes to improve the drug accessibility to ease the domestic serious public problem. The purpose of this paper is to analyzes the TRIPS agreement, the doha declaration and other international documents and comparing the similarities and differences between at home and abroad dealing with the problem, then put forward my own advice about balance between pharmaceutical patent protection and public health benefits.
    Key words: pharmaceutical patent   public health   TRIPS Agreement
               Doha Declaration
     目    录
    摘    要Ⅰ
     (一)TRIPS协议的规定 6
    (三)外国药品专利权保护制度9  三、中国药品专利权保护制度与公共健康的冲突10
    (一)中国药品专利保护制度与公共健康冲突现状 10
    结    语16
    致    谢18
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