Exploration of Political Communication in the Perspective of Mass Incidents
Internet changed the environment and means of political communication, on the one hand, which has provided new tools and platforms, on the other hand, has also provided a number of conditions for the occurrence of mass incidents to some extent due to China’s political system is not perfect in today. Political communication mainly focuses on modes of transmission and the impact of political information, provides good tools for us to analysis current political propagation characteristics under the condition of network society and its relationship with mass incidents deeply. This paper starts with the current China’s online communication in the network, then this sort of political propagation characteristics on induced effect of mass incidents, and finally from the viewpoint political communication online prevention and countermeasures to resolve mass incidents.
Key Words: Political Communication; the Network Mass Incidents; Self Media
目 录
一 网络群体性事件及政治传播学的概念分析 1
(一)网络群体性事件的概念 1
(二)我国政治传播学的发展及其定义 2
二 当前我国政治传播的特点 3
(一)政治传播模式在自媒体时代下的日常化转变 3
(二)政治传播效果在自媒体时代的变化 4
(三)政治传播主客体在自媒体时代的变化 4
(四)政治传播中介渠道的复杂化转变 4
三 当前政治传播特点对网络群体性事件的诱发 5
(一)政治传播模式及效果的变化对网络群体性事件的诱发 5
(二)政治传播主客体的地位及心理的转变对网络群体性事件的诱发 6
(三)政治传播渠道不畅对网络群体性事件的诱发 6
四 政治传播学视角下网络群体性事件的预防和化解 7
(一)规范政治传播模式,健全网络政治传播环境下的法规制度 7
(二)落实政治传播主体责任 7
(三)政治传播客体的心理疏导 8
(四)畅通政治传播渠道,建立合理的舆论引导机制 8
参考文献 10
致谢 .............................................................11