
    Good before delivery in two special nut preload, and carries on the calibration of the torque sensor can be directly used for measurement. This sensor is especially suitable for testing the quality of the rotary switch.
                     Torque sensor torque dynamometer
    Another kind of sensor design - fixed torque dynamometer, is suitable for the detection of bolt. Torque measurement for determine the cutting force plays an important role of rotating knives, stone edge provides rotary measuring system is used for this purpose.
    Torque is mainly used to verify calibration equipment, measuring wheel braking force of rotary torque, etc.
    Direct and indirect measuring force
    Direct measurement of force, the sensor is installed in the force of channel, all the force measurement. Therefore, measurement is accurate, actually has nothing to do with power point.
    When the sensor cannot be installed in force when the direct channel, indirect measurement method can be used. Part of the force is through the bypass relay. Because only part of the force is measured, indirect measurement system must be installed for calibration. System sensitivity is associated with the point of application of force, in addition, the installation process will also affect the linear and hysteresis.
    Quadratic calibration
    Under normal circumstances, the stone edge of prestressing force sensor during the installation process need to add. Sensor can measure the pressure and tension after the preloaded preloaded (equivalent to reduce sensor). Transverse force passing through friction. Prestressing can remove small gap, in addition, to ensure that the measuring system of high stiffness and wide frequency range. Because the preloaded bolt constitute a force, sensors can only around 90% of the total force measurement. For precise measurement, the sensor should be carried out after installation and preloaded quadratic calibration.
    2) piezoelectric force sensor and strain type
    Piezoelectric force sensor and strain, torque sensor design is very compact and sturdy. Measuring range can cover 1 up to 106 times, has a high natural frequency, and is not sensitive to interference. Wide temperature range, resistance to overload ability, long service life, no fatigue. Piezoelectric sensor is applicable to almost used applications, especially in a cyclical process, such as automated production process.
    Stone kerb compared with the strain sensor, the sensor has significant advantages of the principle, mainly determined by the high stiffness of quartz.
    Strong, resistance to overload and reliable for a long time
    Because of the wide measuring range, piezoelectric sensor design is compact, sensor size proportional to the measurement range. Piezoelectric sensor is very strong due to its rigid structure, and resistance to overload. Even after the application number millions of times, the sensitivity of the sensor remains constant, and it will never appear fatigue. As long as according to the requirements of the specification, the service life of the piezoelectric sensor is almost unlimited. And solid design makes sensor has a high natural frequency, is ideal for measuring high dynamic process.
    High sensitivity, wide measurement range
    Unlike strain sensor, quartz sensor is as high as 106 times more wide measurement range, due to the sensitivity, the minimum threshold measurement and resolution has nothing to do with the elastic stiffness of the structure. Piezoelectric sensors can be used to measure very small forces, for example, in a larger small changes on the basis of static load strength.
    Advantages: piezoelectric force sensor
    As much as 106 times very wide measurement range
    Sensitivity, minimum threshold value has nothing to do with measuring range measurement
    Compact design, sensor size proportional to the measurement range
    High rigidity, no deformation under the condition of load
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