
    Points generally is not composed of a single sensor, force sensor but is composed of three or four sensors together dynamometer or load platform, using the characteristics of the piezoelectric sensor and multiple sensors can be connected in parallel with the same sensitivity.
    To get the output signal of algebra and is equal to a single force. Therefore, a dynamometer, like more than a single component sensor, measured three component has nothing to do with the power point.
    On the dynamometer torque although there is a load of sensor, but due to the signal in parallel rather than measurement. However, when the sensor not parallel, torque can be determined by the sensors to obtain a single output signal. This measurement system measuring force and torque of three component of the three components. Torque sensor arrangement coordinate system as the benchmark. Most stone edge dynamometer and measure table applies to three component forces of measurement, also suitable for 6 component force - torque measurement.
    Three component force sensor
     Three component of the pressure sensor
     Three component dynamometer, with four force sensor
     Rotary cutting dynamometer
    Strain sensor
    Strain sensor surface or structural strain force indirectly determining process. Stone edge strain sensor converts strain is proportional to the force, and generate corresponding electrical signals. Components in force produced under the action of stress and strain.
    Strain is the parts loaded relative changes, the length of the strain for the dimensionless unit.
    In many applications, the strain measurement as a indirect method of measuring forces on the parts. Compared with direct load sensor, used for indirect measuring force sensor size is very small. Its advantage is: to install this kind of sensor has no impact on the parts, and direct load, strain measuring signal associated with the point of application of force.
    Measurement of strain can be either on the surface structure also can be directly measured within the structure.
    Surface of the piezoelectric strain sensor can be through a screw on the surface structure of the right position. Through screws, creates friction between sensor and the surface structure. Structure on the surface of a measure of the length of the direction of changes to the sensor is sensitive to the elements, and generate shearing force. Surface strain sensor on the complex structure of trials are needed to determine appropriate installation position.
    Installed on the structure of the internal strain sensor need cylindrical mounting holes. Its advantage is measuring element can be placed in the best position. Depending on the direction of the strain, stone edge to provide measurement of longitudinal and lateral strain sensor. In order to make the sensor can measure compressive strain, need in the condition of preloaded mounting holes.
    Compared with traditional strain measurement technique, the sensitivity of piezoelectric strain sensor is very high.
    Pin surface longitudinal strain sensor measurements
    Horizontal surface strain of the measuring pin used for indirect load sensor
    Torque sensor
    Is sensitive to shear force of electron wafer ring is arranged, the sensitive axis is consistent with the circle tangent, under preloaded encapsulation, used to measure torque.
    Torque sensor:
    Shear sensitive quartz
    Chip into a circular permutation
    Need special measuring torque sensor. To a set of the electron wafer arranged in the ring shear effect, each chip sensitive axis direction and the position loop of the tangent line. And then to ChanXiangLi sensor similar structure assembled into torque sensor. Torque sensor must be installed in high pre-tightening condition, so that it can generate enough friction transfer transverse force. ACTS on the tangent direction of the lateral force. Because all of the quartz plate in parallel, the total output is proportional to the applied torque.
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