
       To summarize, the range of cost per cubic yard of standard types of poured-in-place concrete work will average from $150 to $250, the minimum being for simple reinforced work and the maximum for moderately complicated post tensioned work. This range is large and any estimate that ignores the effect of variables above will be commensurately inaccurate.
    Strengthen personnel theory of knowledge, expertise, training, focusing on the practical operation. To strengthen of projects each staff of the Ministry of education of project cost management, step up publicity efforts to establish the overall awareness of the cost management to recognize the importance of the project cost, so that every employee can work on project management the main location enterprises to realize the economic value of guarantee.Strengthen cost control is the key to improve the economic efficiency of enterprises, modern cost control, and advanced management methods and used in practice, in order to really solve the problems of construction the structure project cost management work easy.The estimate and economical design of structure building are important and essential work, which should be valued by all architects and engineers and others. Better you do it, more profit you will receive from it!
     中文译文  建筑结构的成本1.前言
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  2. 下一篇:AP定位器英文文献和中文翻译
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