    1. CONTENTS.
        Page              Section
            1           1. Contents
    2           3. Description of Operation
            3           4. Settings and Adjustments –  
    4.1 Change of Direction for rising signal (direct mounted)
                          4.2 Zero and Range Adjustment
                          4.3 Speed Control
                          4.4 Change of Direction for rising signal (Discrete)
     6          5. Maintenance and Troubleshooting
    6          6. Angle Retransmit Option –  
    6.1 Installation
                         6.2 Change of Direction for rising signal
                         6.3 Zero and Range Adjustment                               
                         6.4 Change of Direction for rising signal (Discrete)
                         6.5 Change of Angle Retransmit direction without                                   changing positioner direction.                                                                                                                                 
                                 3. DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION.
    The AP Positioner works using the principal of a 'force balance' spool system with mechanical cam feedback. The air input signal (normally 3-15psi) is applied to a diaphragm which produces a force on the force balance lever which is proportional to the signal pressure. The resulting torque on the lever is balanced by the force produced from the feedback spring which is also joined to the lever.  10069
    A proportional flow spool valve is the third element attached to the lever. This is positioned at its central closed position when the lever is at the mid-stroke position which occurs when the actuator is at the desired angle. Several different versions of this valve are available with different flow capacities designed to give optimum performance when fitted to the range of Kinetrol actuators.
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