
    TEST STRATEGY PLANNER STRUCTURE to be made at  several  stages of the design process.  It
    can read EDIF or Siemens specific hierarchical design
    The test strategy planner contains the programs for
    the evaluation of  the cost model, as well as the evalua-
    tion of  the effects of  test methods on the design. It takes
    its  input  from  the design description  and  cost model
    files,  and  uses  stored  knowledge on  test methods  to
    evaluate a  variety of test  strategies.  Cell  library data
    are  linked  to  test method descriptions.
    The  test strategy control can be  left entirely to the
    user,  and a  group  of functions are provided  to  apply
    test  methods  and  examine  the  cost  model  and  the
    testability status of the circuit. Alternatively, the user
    has the option of employing one of a set of algorithms
    that  perform  automatic  test  strategy planning  to  ac-
    celerate  the  selection process  [11].
    ECOtest  does  not  try  to  partition  the  circuit  into
    testable units.  It  relies on  the  design hierarchical  in-
    formation to define testable units.  Figure 3  shows an
    example circuit and  the hierarchical  level  the  system
    requires. This circuit will serve for demonstration pur-
    poses  and be used  in  later analysis. A  range of DFT
    methods, including  the no DFT option, are considered
    for each block. It should be remembered that when ap-
    plying a DFT method  there will always be a set of con-
    straints that have to be met before the economic issues
    can be considered, e.g., minimum overall fault cover-
    age/area overhead. Thus ECOtest ensures that only ap-
    plicable DFT methods can be  applied  to each block.
    In addition, after DFT has been considered, to ensure
    testability of the  circuit,  an  analysis is performed  to
    check that each block is  100%  accessible from exter-
    nal  pins.摘要:本文将讨论影响测试周期成本的因素,提出一个在测试每个阶段减少生命周期的方法来减少整个生命周期成本最经济的测试策略。基于由不同的测试技术选择了不同测试策略进行了详细的经济分析描述。
    1 引言
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