
    quency vector. Using this function, design conditions for a given
    percentage of time are determined.
    3. Calculation methods
    Based on ASHRAE report 1273, DBTs are grouped by equal bins
    (0.5 ◦C) [11]. Each value Fk
    DB of the frequency vector counts all DBTs
    where DBTk is the center of bin k and DBT is the bin interval. The
    cumulative distribution function (CDF) is obtained by summing all
    hours below a certain level:CDFk
    DB shows the probability (P) that DBT is less than the upper
    limit of the bin:In addition, the climate change impacts directly on the cool-
    ing device performance in buildings. Statistical investigations have
    been shown thatDEC,VC package cooling, and centralVC or absorp-
    tion systems are used 79.9%, 2.6% and 17.5% of cooling devices in
    Tehran respectively [12]. Current statistics show that the investi-
    gation of outdoor design conditions on the performance of these
    systems plays an important role for the future decision making in
    selecting proper cooling devices.
    With DEC, outside air is blown through a water-saturated
    medium (usually cellulose pad) and cooled by evaporation. DEC
    adds moisture to the air stream until the air stream is close to
    saturation. The DBT is reduced, while the WBT stays the same.
    Based onDEC process, the cooling potential of the systemis directly
    affected by the difference between DBT and WBT, which is called
    wet-bulb depression (WBD). With IEC, a secondary air stream is
    cooled by water. The cooled secondary air stream goes through a
    heat exchanger, where it cools the primary air stream. The cooled
    primary air stream is circulated by a blower. Indirect evaporative
    cooling does not add moisture to the primary air stream. Both the
    DBT and WBT are reduced. With IDEC, the primary air stream is
    cooled first with IEC and then cooled further DEC.
    Several research aboutDEC and IDEC systems in Iran are adopted
    by Heidarinejad et al. [13,14]. These studies showed the advantage
    of DEC and IDEC in Tehran to prepare the thermal comfort condi-
    tion but the effects of climate change were not considered in their
    studies. The saturation effectiveness of DEC system is defined by
    Eq. (4):
    εDEC = DBTout − DBTout,DEC
    DBTout −WBTout
    Also, the performance of IDEC is calculated by using Eq. (5):
    εIEC = DBTout − DBTout,IEC
    DBTout −WBTout
    where DBTout and WBTout are outdoor DBT and WBT respectively
    and DBTout,DEC and DBTout,IEC are the outlet air DBT,which obtained
    byDEC and indirect evaporative cooling (IEC) devices. Eq. (4) clearly
    illustrates that the performance of DEC system is affected by out-
    door design condition. For further investigation, it is assumed
    that εDEC and εIEC are 0.85 and 0.8 respectively [14]. For different
    decades DBTout,DEC is calculated using Eq. (4) and shown in Table 2.
    The results illustrate that DEC systems can put the building into
    the proper thermal comfort condition during 1967–1996while this
    systemis not capable of preparing comfort condition after 1997. In
    addition, outlet air DBT achieved by DEC is increased in the recent
    decades so the cooling effect of the systemreduced obviously (com-
    pareTcooling in Table 2). It can be concluded thatDEC should not be
    selected as cooling device for future in residential buildings.More-
    over, DBTout,IDEC has risen about 26% in the last decade of study
    compared to 1967–1976. While IDEC can prepare thermal com-
    fort in all decades of research, the cooling effect of the system has
    decreased at about 19 percent. These reductions in cooling effect
    need more consideration about selecting appropriate IDEC system
    with higher capacity within these days compared to 1967–1976
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