    Energy consumption in buildings is heavily affected by climate change. It causes significant variations of
    the outdoor design conditions, cooling and heating loads. In this paper, a total of 40 years (1967–2006)
    of hourly temperature data were considered in four decades and outdoor design conditions for each
    decade were calculated. It was found that wet-bulb temperature (WBT) has increased by 3.28 ◦
    C during 9340
    the mentioned period, which impacts on design and selection of the cooling equipment. The results
    show that cooling hours is projected to increase around 15% over the whole 1967–2006 period. The
    most important result found in this study is the inability of direct evaporative cooling (DEC) systems in
    preparing comfort condition after 1997, whereas these systems provided thermal comfort in Tehran’s
    buildings from1967 to 1996. The prediction of climate change impacts on the outdoor design conditions
    and cooling systems performance until 2020 demonstrates dry bulb temperature (DBT) andWBT increase
    1.05 ◦
    C and 2.42 ◦
    C respectively. Hence, indirect–direct evaporative cooling systems (IDEC) may not be
    responsible for the years after 2016. Besides, the additional energy for absorption and vapor compression
    (VC) cooling systems will grow quickly in the future.1. Introduction
    Climate change, impacting on buildings’ energy consumption,
    is strongly affected by population growth, buildings and indus-
    tries development. Nowadays, weather condition variations have
    become one of the main problems of the world. The researchers
    show that the surface temperature will grow approximately
    1.4–5.8 ◦C [1,2].
    The study done by Luterbach et al. [3] on European seasonal and
    annual temperature variations shows the coldest European win-
    ter in 1708 and the hottest summer in 2003 have occurred. As a
    result of climatic change, air humidity in cold seasons, cooling load,
    and uncomforted conditions in buildings have been increased. For
    instance,moisture content in winter will increase by 15% by 2020s
    and by up to 25% by 2050s. In London, cooling degree-days have
    increased over 1976–1995 of 20% and by 2005s around 60%. These
    values will grow almost 200% until 2080 [4,5].
    Climate change not only has afforded DBT increase in recent
    years but also has increased moisture content of air. Greenhouse
    effect is therefore, intensified and also, due to increase of out-
    door dry bulb and wet-bulb temperatures, building sensible and
    ∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +98 21 88255942; fax: +98 21 88255941.
    E-mail address: delfani@bhrc.ac.ir (S. Delfani).
    latent heat gains in hot seasons are increased, thus building cool-
    ing load becomes more. By rising humidity content of outdoor air,
    larger HVAC equipments are required for dehumidification of air to
    achieve comfort conditions.
    Many investigations have been carried out for considering the
    effect of climatic change on energy consumption. Issac and Van
    Vuuren [6] studied the influence of cooling degree-day changes on
    HVAC systems’ energy use and predicted energy demand in the
    future. Evaluating this influence based on the cooling and heating
    degree-days have been also done bymany researchers. All the case
    studies indicate a dramatic reduction of heating and increase of
    cooling energy demand.On the regional scale, Sailor [7] and Rong et
    al. [8] estimated demand of cooling and heating energy of US build-
    ings in relation to the present climate and future climate change
    for the USA. The results of Aebischer et al. [9] study also reveals
    that at least by 2035 increases in cooling energy demand due to
    global warming are likely to be outweighed by a reduction in the
    need for heating energy. The investigations into climate change in
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