
    For the examination of optimizing algorithm,  therefore a test part using all important geometrical elements was designed—Fig. 18.

    First section of test part includes curve movement mean- while the second section contains the corner-crossing ele- ments, respectively. In addition, the machining program to the selected machine tool was optimized with use of G-optim. Fig. 19 shows the G-optim program settings and also raw and optimized NC data.

    A plastic material with good thermal and cutting condi- tions was used to receive trustworthiness results by manu- facturing. Therefore, the machine tool table was also loaded with 250 kg, to simulate industrial environment.文献综述

    Geometrical accuracy of machined parts was measured using 3D measurement machine tool DIAMOND with accu- racy of 0.35 µm. As measuring result we received an IGES file with 2D profile of machined surfaces that we compared with theoretical profile—Fig. 20.

    It is obvious (Fig. 20) that the tool path obtained by curve movement with optimized NC code is more accurate than toolpath obtained by machining with unoptimized NC code.

    Fig. 18.  Test part.

    Fig. 19. G-optim settings and machining program.

    7.4. Eksperimental results

    Software programs for optimization can improve part quality. That is especially true, when using a low performance CNC machine tool that does not have much of optimization algorithms built in CNC control unit. Using of off-line op- timizing algorithms lead us to improve of the geometrical accuracy and surface quality of machined parts. These kinds of software are usually easy to use and are inexpensive re- gards to high performance CNC controller. One such soft- ware package named G-optim program has been described in this paper. It eliminate the problem of insufficient Look-

    Fig. 20. Comparison of theoretical, raw and optimized toolpath trajectory by corner-crossing.

    Fig. 21. The subsequent figures present machining time analysis in the last 15 years.

    ahead function of CNC controller, slow cycle time of CNC controller and low data speed connection between computer and machine tool.

    8. Conclusions

    Entrance to the European/Western market of technology and manufacturing requires introductions into modern meth- ods of cutting technologies.

    HSM assures competitive position in the field of mass production in automotive manufacturing. Mass production in quality tool-making, which demands short time for (die/mold/forging) tool preparation, represents key element of profit.来!自~751论-文|网www.751com.cn

    Furthermore we can list the following HSC benefits:

    shortening of the whole machining process,

    surface quality improvements–less additional machining,

    lower temperature in the cutting zone and longer tool life,

    the reduction of EDM usage,

    machining of accurate and thin-wall electrodes,

    possibilities of five-axis machining.

    Competition on the market demands from manufactur- ing company to produce high-quality products at acceptable prices. Tool and die manufacturers have continuously strived for modernization of their equipment and organization as the

    companies on all other areas. The companies that do not fol- low and adopt new technologies usually go to bankrupt (see Fig. 21). The essential for company success is to make right decisions at the right time, which should be assured by the team of engineers. Furthermore it is important to know all ad- vantages and disadvantages of rather expensive investments in new technologies.

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