
    of analyses were represented as flow front with a time scale
    and flow stresses, showing the fluidic resistance in advance.
    Figure 2(a) shows the flow fronts in the part gated on the
    COLLAR, Gate 1. On close inspection of this figure, it is
    clear that after the PORT HOUSING fills, the polymer
    accelerates suddenly in the NEEDLE HOUSING (see the
    wide pink bands in Figure 2(a)). If possible, this type of
    uneven filling pattern should be avoided because it induces
    high flow stresses along the NEEDLE HOUSING as shown
    in Figure 2(b).
    Light to dark pink areas, as shown in Figure 2(b), denote
    high flow stresses that are acceptable in small areas, but may
    tend to cause warpage in large areas. Areas represented in
    black have flow stresses that are above the degradation level
    of polypropylene (250,000 Pa) and are generally unacceptable
    except in confined regions such as the gate. The developed
    flow stresses in the NEEDLE HOUSING area are very high,
    compared to the PORT HOUSING and may cause this long
    and slender area to bow.
    Figure 3(b) shows the flow stresses with the part gated at
    Gate 2. As the figure shows that the flow stresses in the
    NEEDLE HOUSING area are much lower than those for all
    other gating options studied. This gating scheme also leads
    to a very uniform filling pattern as shown in Figure 3(a).
    However, based on the experience with earlier designs of
    Needle Covers, molds gated at the tip of the NEEDLE
    HOUSING are prone to short shots during start-up, leading
    to damaged core pins [13].
    Gate location 3 provides a uniform filling with the advance
    Figure 2. Cavity filling analysis of the part with gate 1: (a) flow
    fronts and (b) flow stresses.
    Figure 3. Cavity filling analysis of the part with gate 2: (a) flow
    fronts and (b) flow stresses.PORT HOUSING.of the molten polymer as shown in Figure 4(a). Figure 4(b)
    indicates that the flow stresses in the NEEDLE HOUSING
    area are slightly lower than those obtained with Gate 1, but
    slightly higher than those obtained with Gate 2. Although
    the stresses in the internal ribs are not shown in this figure,
    they are well within acceptable limits. This gating scheme
    leads to a very uniform filling pattern and would allow
    relatively tight dimensional tolerances in the PORT HOUSING
    The flow stresses shown in Figure 5(b) indicate that the
    gating option 4 developed the stresses along the bottom
    portion of the PORT HOUSING and COLLAR area. The
    stresses are at or near the degradation level of polypropylene
    (250,000 Pa) and the stresses in the NEEDLE HOUSING
    area are essentially the same as those obtained with Gate 3.
    The flow pattern shown in Figure 5(a) is not very uniform.
    Due to the high stresses and non-uniform flow pattern, this
    gating scheme is the least favored.
    Based on the four different gate location studied, Gate 2
    and 3 are probably optimum due to the uniform fill patterns
    and minimization of flow stresses. As discussed earlier, Gate
    3 may be preferable to Gate 2 due to the tendency of
    excessive short shot formation during start-up with parts
    gated at the tip of the needle housing.
    Filling Analysis for the Wall Thickness, Lower Melt
    Temperature, and Longer Injection Time
    Although Gate 3 might be the best alternative, this gating
    option still leads to high stresses in the NEEDLE HOUSING
    area as shown in Figure 4(b). In order to reduce the high
    stresses and possibility of bowing or twisting, it may be
    necessary to increase the wall thickness in the NEEDLE
    Figure 4. Cavity filling analysis of the part with gate 3: (a) flow
    fronts and (b) flow stresses.
    Figure 5. Cavity filling analysis of the part with gate 4: (a) flow
    fronts and (b) flow stresses.HOUSING by 0.125 mm with its original thickness of 1.25
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